Part 1: Daydream

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All three of us sat in the cafe. Me, Linda, and Misty. I showed almost no interest of what they were talking about exactly, so I hummed to show that I was listening. I fiddled with the straw of my drink, then I saw him walk through that door. The guy of my dreams, his name was.. Momo. Momo was one of those punks who you'd see smoking in the back of the school or something. I stared at him, resting my chin on my hand. All people and sounds in my surroundings began to disappear. "Bami!" I was slapped back into reality, I felt the sting against my face. "We're leaving now. Are you coming?" Linda said, picking up her things.  

  "Ah, yeah yeah! Sorry, I'm coming." I stumbled over my words and hesitantly averted my eyes to where Misty and Linda were exiting. Who would have thought that a girl like me could ever fall for someone like him. This only made it harder for me to be honest. Even though I trust Misty and Linda with my life, I could never imagine them understanding this feeling. It's like one rose in a sea of thorns, an elegant beauty trapped within the darkness that nobody can see past, except for me. I knew he was better than what they think. "Well what are you waiting for?" Linda grabbed my hand and pulled me out. "Heheh~" I heard Misty giggle. "What?" I asked her, it was typical of her to laugh this way whenever she notices something. I only hope she doesn't catch on to these thoughts of mine. "Nothing~ lets go!" This child... We continued to walk away from the café. 

Misty and Linda started having that conversation from the cafe again, I looked at all the houses that we passed by trying to find some distraction then looking up at the orange sky. "And that's how I know that I am for sure a descendant of Cinderella" Misty flaunted. "Oh my god, you're so stupid" Linda sighed heavily. " Excuse me?" Misty's eyes widened. They both started arguing..again. I didn't really feel in the mood to listen to them, so I just kept walking ahead leaving both of them behind. Thoughts about Momo filled my head. "He would never like a girl like me.." I thought. "BAMI!" I heard a scream behind me, I was startled at the sudden call. "Huh?" I turned around to Misty and Linda. "Why are you leaving us!" Linda and Misty ran up to me. "I need to get home, my mom is dinner" I forced a smile at them. "Hmm..Okay! See you tomorrow Bami!" Misty poked my forehead and giggled. "Bye.." I waved to both of them, turning around to continue my way home.

I stared at the brittle pavement as I made my way back, the sunset started to fade and the sky resembled that of a deep sea abyss. I was left alone with my thoughts, once again. The only thing that occupied them was... Momo. Just what did I see in him? He gives me a feeling of such ease and familiarity, and I want to one day be embraced by that sweet notion. His presence enough can cause light to escape the black holes in life. As my mind wandered I proceeded to walk towards my house, it was getting late and I didn't want my mom to get mad.

"Hey mom" I said as I entered the door. ..No response. She probably headed out while I was still at the Cafe. I sighed and dragged my feet upstairs to my room. I opened the door to my room, entering and closing it quietly behind me. I threw myself on my bed and checked my phone. A bunch of snaps unchecked, I didn't really feel like opening them so I set the phone beside me. I stared up at the ceiling. "Momo.." I felt my eyes closing more as time went by. I fell into deep sleep. What did I see in him?

My alarm rang, it was yet another day of wishful thinking for me. I wish I could stay asleep forever, dreaming about Momo all day and night. Paradise~ I forced myself up in hopes of laying my eyes on him again today, and hopefully for longer. While changing my clothes I noticed a note left in my jeans. "Hm..?" It read 'Behind Starbucks at 5:30PM.' Could this be? No. He couldn't have slipped it in my pocket so stealthily, perhaps it was someone at school. I guess I'd have to wait to find out, hopefully it's just a prank... I got ready and headed out.
That note kept flooding my head with questions as I continued to walk to school. Who was it from? Could it be? What if it's a prank? What if it's a trap? Should I meet them? I found myself walking across a cross on the street without the signal letting me go. I was too distracted by my thoughts. Cars honked, I shook myself in reality and hurried to the other side of the side walk. "Hi Bami!" Linda called. Oh no I thought. "Let's walk to school together and be amazing friends!" Linda smiled widely. "Oh my god, they're so stupid.." I laughed at the thought. "What's that?" Misty pointed at the note. I gasped and quickly made an attempt to hide it. "N-Nothing!"

"Hmm, if you say so~" Misty teased. I couldn't let them see it, even if it were Momo, there is no way I could accept anything from him in front of those two. I sighed and felt a tugging at my arm. "Hey, are you busy later?" Misty asked. What could she possibly need me for? I couldn't let them know why but somehow I had to make an excuse. "Well, actually I need to help my sister with her homework and a few other things. Why?" Linda turned her head and raised her eyebrow. "I swear you never help her with homework though, are you sure?" She caught me off guard, what could I say? "Ahah well... My mom is making me, you see." Hopefully they take this as an excuse, I was determined to find out who the note was from. "Well, okay. Maybe some other time?" I wonder what she wanted me for. No matter, I could always find that out some other time. "Yeah, of course." I took a sigh of relief and arranged my thoughts. 

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