In All My Dreams I Drown [Devil's Carnival Oneshot]

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In All My Dreams I Drown

           Tamara gripped the shriveled board, desperately praying that it would be enough to keep her from going under. "Eddie!" She screeched, trying to desperately search for her lover amongst the chaos around her. Icy rain pelted her and clouded her vision. A heavy wave crashed over her, dragging her into it's depths. The salt water burned her throat and she could only manage to croak out, "Eddie..."

        Her eyes stung from tears and salt, leaving her vision fuzzy. Through the haze she thought she saw the shadowy outline of a ship. "Help..." she whispered. "Help...Eddie..."


        Tamara gasped and rolled out of a cot. She groped around the dark room and her hand found a lantern. She turned the key and a bright flame shone from inside the cage. Using the light she peered around the room and discovered it was just an empty cabin with a small cot. The slight sway was all she needed to know she was aboard a ship. 

        "Ah, I see you are awake," a deep voice rumbled from behind her.

        Startled, Tamara spun around and collided against a solid form. Strong hands gripped her arms and prevented her from falling. "Steady," a voice whispered in her ear, sending a chill down her spine. The hands guided her back to the cot where she shakily sat down. She lifted the lantern once more, trying to take in the man's face, but he firmly pushed her hand away. "Lanterns down!" He commanded.

        Tamara stared at the floor, heat rising to her cheeks. "Thank you...for rescuing me. If not for you, I would have drowned."

        Though he was hidden in shadow, Tamara could feel her visitor's smile. It made her heart beat faster. "It was my pleasure, love." Another shiver snaked down her spine. "I brought you a night gown. You must be aching to change out of those garments."

        Tamara glanced down and noticed her gown was soaked through and clinging to her body. She wondered if the stranger noticed. "Thank you, sir." She reached for the gown and her fingers brushed his. The man's hand was hot to the touch and she drew back quickly. 

        The stranger gentlely removed the lantern from Tamara's grasp and set it on the bedside table. "It's time you go to sleep, you went through quite a lot already. You must be very tired."

        "Oh no sir!" Tamara stood from the cot, panic setting in. "I mustn't sleep! I...I have night terrors. I am sure once I am on shore I can rest easy again." There was a low chuckle from the man, and Tamara felt her breath leave her in a rush. She felt a stirring within her and wanted nothing more then to be embraced by the stranger.

        The hands were upon her again, guiding her to recline on the cot. Wherever his fingers touch, a burning trail existed. Through the shadows, Tamara sought out his eyes but saw only glittering black pools. Her eyes grew heavy as a foreign desire bubbled inside her. 

        A crash of thunder was heard outside and the ship lurched from the force of the storm, waking Tamara from her haze. "Surely there is something I can do for you, sir. As the Captain, you must be fairly busy. I can mop the floors or...or..." she broke off, sitting upright again. "Please sir, I will doanything. Just...please, don't make me go to sleep."

        His hands carressed her face, brushing back her long dark locks. He offered no soothing words or any suggestions of comfort. And Tamara sensed that he was not the type of man to do this for anyone. And it sent another thrill through her body.  

        "Eddie!" she gasped. "When you...did you...Eddie..." she felt tears sting her eyes. Eddie had always teased that he'd lose his life to the sea and she knew he had met that very fate. She was laying against the cot again, clinging to the jacket of the man above her. "Sometimes I feel as if the ocean will swallow us whole...leaving only our bones..." she whispered.

        Her eyes fluttered shut as his hands once again trailed down the side of her face. "Hush now, hush love, it's time to go to sleep." 


        His hands encircled her wrists, holding them away from her body. He was leaning over her, his weight pressing against her breasts as he whispered in her ear. "Yes Tamara..."

        She tilted her head, the lanterns glow was enough for her to get a glimpse of his face. She could make out a painted face, dark fathomless eyes, and curled horns. She was on a ship that was manned by Lucifer himself and she willingly offered herself to him. His lips found her neck, burning the flesh it touched. A small moan escaped her lips.  She could hardly open her eyes. As she felt body descend she whispered, "Please, wake me up. In all my dreams I..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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