Chikky Charles, Greenville

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It was dark and cold when I woke and got up from the couch behind the counter.I walked towards the manager as he asked confidently, "I guess you had a nice sleep Alex?" ,"Same as always Charles",I replied.Charles is the manager of the bar.Him and I go way back to my Childhood.

"You were talking in your sleep again",Charles continued, "You kept talking about how miserable a childhood you had.You know for a 23 year old I thought that some stuff was into you".

I put on my jacket and said, "It's getting late Charlie". He put down the beer cup he was cleaning, sighed and said, "Listen Alex, I know things were rough for you in the past but that doesn't imply that things have to be bad now".I put on a fake smile then walked out, "Say hi to your mom on my behalf", Charles said as he got back to work.

On my way back home, I thought to myself about how all the chances in my life had simply slipped away.I grew up a lonely kid and Charlie was my dad's friend.I can recall following my dad so I wouldn't be all alone but the customers would easily pick on me while dad just watched.I would cry till Charlie came along to help.Every now and then I saw my dad walk out on me.At the thought of this came anger and fear as I felt dad never really wanted to around me and if he couldn't then who could?

When I got home, mom was preparing a meal.It was mouthwatering of course as she had been a part time chef at a renowned restaurant in Greenville.As I waited, I sat on the couch in the lounge."Alex, we need to talk", mom said while trying to best hide the look of depression on her face,"It has been five years and I think it's time for us to move on, your dad isn't gonna come back", she continued."What are you talking about mom?",I interrupted."If you feel you're ready to let go of dad then I'm sorry to let you know that I'm not with the idea!", I said as my eyes filled up with tears. I saw a confusion in her eyes, "Yes it's my idea!",she exclaimed, " but it will be for the best of the both of us", she continued.From this moment I definitely knew mom was dating other guys.I gave her an an anxious look straight in the face and went to bed.

I couldn't believe it was happening, I couldn't sleep and although I'd been hungry like I'd been fasting for three months, I couldn't eat

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I couldn't believe it was happening, I couldn't sleep and although I'd been hungry like I'd been fasting for three months, I couldn't eat. I can recall pinching my arm so just I can be sure It's really happening. I couldn't stop thinking about my dad, my childhood, who my mom was dating and Charles' but then I eventually dozed off..   

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