The Wrong Sibling

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"Emma, it will be fine. Your parents love you and no matter what I will always be here for you," my girlfriend tells me as she reassuringly squeezes my hand, "it's okay if you're having second thoughts about it."

"No. No, this is it. I'm going to tell my parents that I am dating... a girl."

"Woman," Regina corrects me with a wink clearly trying to make me feel less nervous.

"Yeah... Alright, this is it. Here we go..." I say smiling nervously at my girlfriend. I look at the doorbell and I want to press it. I look at it, I tell my hands to move but they just won't. Probably sensing that I wouldn't make a move for a while, Regina reaches for the doorbell herself and presses it. As soon as I hear the doorbell ring through the house I know I cannot do this. I can't come out to my parents, not today. I look into my girlfriend's eyes hoping that she will understand what I am feeling, I am not ready, but the answer I get from her side is, It's going to be okay, I am here and I love you.

I am about to turn around and walk back to the car, ready to pull Regina along with me when the door opens, no. As soon as my eyes meet my mother's I drop Regina's hand.

"Emma! Sweetie, what are you doing here? Come in! I wasn't expecting you. Oh, you have a friend with you! I'm Mary Margaret, and you are?" my mother asks ever so cheerfully. Please, Regina, I am not ready.

"Hello, my name is Regina Mills. I am your daughter's-"

"Sister-in-law!" I say cutting Regina off. At this moment I refuse to look at either Regina or my mother. I know if I look at Regina I am going to see either sadness or disappointment, maybe both. Probably both.

"What? Emma, you never told me you were dating?" I hear my mother say somewhat teasingly.

"I... I am dating Regina's brother, Killian," I finally look at Regina to see that she is in fact, sad and disappointed but mostly she is hurt, I am so sorry.


"Your parents want to meet me?" Killian asks leaning against the counter. After the meeting with my mother, we went back to Regina's place. She didn't speak to me during the whole drive and when we got to her house she kept brushing me off and answering me only with short words and nodding her head. I didn't blame her, I still don't, I can't. The next day we met with Killian and explained the whole ordeal to him, he even joked saying that I would come to my senses and go to the right sibling. When he realised that Regina wasn't finding the situation funny at all he became more serious and said that he would gladly be my beard, as he eagerly decided to put it.

"I know I said it was only going to be for awhile but I don't know what to do," I confess to Killian while Regina rolled her eyes.

"I don't know, why don't you just tell them that it's me you've been dating all along?"

"Baby, I want to. You know I do, but I am not ready," I try to grab her hand but she pulls away from me.

"Will you ever be? If you keep things going like this you two will be married before it happens," Regina huffs and walks away. I look at Killian and he smiles at me confirming that he will be coming to dinner with my parents and then I rush out of the kitchen to catch my girlfriend.


"What? Don't you have somewhere to be with your boyfriend?" Regina spat out the words as she makes her way out of the house. I catch up with her grab her arm pulling her body flushed against mine, "let go of me, Emma. I really don't feel like being around you right now."

"Regina, I know you are upset. You have every right to be upset, I swear I will make it right. Tonight. Come to dinner with us, I'll tell my parents tonight okay?" I tell her wiping away a tear that had escaped her lover's eye. She rests her forehead against mine and nods her head, "I love you, baby girl..." I swear to her and she nods again. Tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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