Chapter 3: Macau Rush

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Pronounced Mac-Cow.

Location: Somewhere in Central Macao, China

Time: 7:53 pm CST

Ryan "Redeemer" Lawler observed the busy street from the high-rise apartment block. His weary eyes scanned each and every citizen until he got a match. Constantly looking at the street and back at his hands eventually made him tired. Then suddenly his radio screeched to life. "..I got positive visual on route to location R" whispered the voice on the other end. Ryan quickly sat back up to reply "Copy that Fisher". 

The jog to street level took nearly 8 minutes. After going through  a maze of stairs and corridors Ryan finally reached the busy street corner. John "Fisher" Curran sat on a stool in a local take-away stand. "Male, red shirt, jeans." He spoke as Ryan approached him. Ryan immediately noticed a short Asian man matching the description waiting on the kerb. He stood their not noticing the two Caucasian military officers scanning his identity with their newly equipped Iris Contact Lens Reader V2. The ICLR was a special lens which perfectly fitted into the average human adult eyeball.   It's features contained a high definition real time stream and also a video recorder. Other capabilities were iris changer, camera and also document transaction. The N.R.U's employees were always up to date with the latest and beta technological advances within their grasp. 

After send the reports back to headquarters aka "Mind Hive" the two men slowly closed in on the little framed man. According to the documents that were de-classified, the targets name was Jing Zhu. The reason Jing was valuble is because he is part of [Net-Work]. He was one of the many people responsible for the bombings and murders of the politicians. It was now time for him to pay the consequences. 

As the two men approached Jing, he turned towards them and did something that no one them prepared for. Jing had pulled out a large combat knife and waved it before Ryan's eyes. 

TO be continued...

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