Chandler,sam and gray imagine!

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Its the first day and you are so excited!

Today is the day that I actually meet chandler riggs!!

I got up super early to look perfect for this special day!

I put on my special day dress it took 3 hours to get there

Before i got in line to meet chandler i looked around

And bought some comic books/posters

I got in line and when he arrived every girl there

Screamed it was finally my turn i walked up and picked a picture

He signed it then i waited a little bit after that to take pictures with

Chandler he huged me and then i felt him stick something on my

Back so i giggled a little because i thought he was putting a sign

That said something funny but then i went to the bathroom

And took the sign of my back it didnt say anything

But then i looked at the sticky side and it said

A number then that is when i knew he gave me his number so

I screamed from the top of my lungs and everybody kept staring at me

Thats when my cheeks got red😊

I called him when i knew he was done at comic-con and he answered

I said hey then he said hiii and we just kept talking about stuff

After like 1 hour of talking he asked me if i wanted to go over

To his house on friday so i asked and she said yes days

Past by and it was finally friday my mom dropped me off

I was kinda nervous at first but he made me feel at home

We played X-Box for a few hours we kept laughing cause every

Game of C.O.D i would win then he would win etc...

I yawned then he was like are you tired i was like yea then that is when he kissed me

And then i kissed him back i stayed the night he made pancakes in the morning

He kissed him and thanked him we both said we loved each other...

The next day he had to go to set he asked me if i can go but i couldnt because i had to take care of my 3 year old cousin from 12:30-1:30 and chandler gets done at 8 so after i was done baby sitting i went to the park because it was a nice day i went and sat at the swings and next to me sat Sam Elica, he said hey (y/n) and i said hey sam! i always thought of him cute but i guess im dating chandler

Sam's POV

i really like (y/n) but we have been friends for the longest so i dont want to mess anything up she looked so beautiful swinging because her hair is blowing back i wanted to ask her out but i dont think she likes me the same way i do


Sam would you like to come to my pool party on saturday? Sam said sure and thats when it became silent after swinging for a couple of minutes we got off and went on the double slides and racing each other i was laughing so hard when we got to the end he tilted me back and thats when i knew are lips where locked together i pulled back and i said Sam im sorry but im dating Chandler i mean i really like you but it cant happen

Sam's POV

Dang i didnt know she was dating chandler!!!! I was about to burst into tears but i didnt all i said was sorry and i didnt know you guys where dating😕


its okay you didnt know, its not your fault anyways i have to get going but i will text you later! Bye sam! Later that day i went around the corner to the ice cream shop i ordered a (Y/F/T) i sat down at a booth when Gray Glazier sat across from me i said hey gray he said hey back , i always thought of gray as like a best friend he was the one to cheer me up

Gray's POV

(Y/N) is the most beautifulest girl i've ever seen she is just my type she is funny,smart,beautiful and nice i want her to be mine i sat with her to ask her out but i didnt have the gut to so i got up and sat on the same side of the booth she was sitting on the same side she was sitting on i showed her a funny video when we both looked up we where laughing thats when i leaned in and kissed her but then she pulled away


I told him im sorry but im dating chandler. In a moment of silence he said he was sorry i said its okay you didnt know. Well would you like to go to my pool party on saturday? Gray said sure after that I said i had to go. I left the ice cream shop to see chandler arriving to my house i ran to him and hugged him i kissed him on the cheek and then i said i had to talk to you so i brought him into my room we both sat down on my bed

Well you know sam and gray well they didnt know the we are dating and they kinda sorta kissed me but i made it clear that we are dating and i invited them to my pool party so if they come you can not say anything or beat them up okay just act normal! Please

It was finally saturday and all me and chandler did was set up for the party when everyone started coming sam and Gray showed up we acted normal we jumped in the pool i got out and asked everbody if they wanted something to drink so i went inside and got the drinks and thats when sam came and tried to help get the drinks he leaned in but i moved away when i got outside i was gonna give chandler a drink and thats when i saw chandler flirting with Hana Hayes every word he said to her she would blush i got so mad i went back to the kitchen put down the drinks and ran up stairs and then i slammed the door behind me i heard a couple of knocks on my door it was sam and gray i said chandler is flirting with Hana Hayessssss! In a sarcastic way after i said that Chandler bursted in and yelled to gray and sam to get away from me but i said no stay Chandler said why you like them? Yeah as a friend!. do you like Hana? I yelled!!He said NO i was just talking to her NO YOU WHERE FLIRTING WITH HER! Every word you said to her she blushed your a jerk just leave my house we're done!! I went back down stairs and went swimming with gray and sam i went in the kitchen while they where swimming i was mixing the lemonade when i felt someones arms around me i thought it was chandler so i said chandler i thought i told you that we're done i turn around and it was gray thats when his lips touched mine and this time i didnt pull back😏 We stopped kissing and thats when i saw sam walk in he looked very sad like he was gonna cry he ALSO went up stairs i followed but before i went i told gray this cant happen between us


The truth is i told gray that this cant happen is because i really like sam like since we where 5 he was like my cute goofball that always make me laugh but i never asked him out because he was my best friend and i thought if we dating it would Ruin are friend ship

Sams POV

I CANT BEILVE SHE DID THAT! I should just have left i knew this was gonna happen

(Y/N) came running through the door she jumped on the bed kinda on top of me she said well she didnt really say anything she just kissed me i pulled back and said you thought you where with gray im not he kissed me like YOU did but i dont like gray i like you i said i like you too so (Y/N) came closer and kissed me❤️

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