Todoroki x reader OneShot

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Hey so since everyone who ever writes their first fanfic always talks about how it's their first one before anything else I thought I'd follow the almost mandatory tradition

It's my first fanfic!!!!

(( I didn't create a quirk for your character but just know that you can't be "resistant" to heat. So basically an ice quirk or something unless your weakness is heat ))

Enjoy <3

" dammit I should've brought a fan with me" you said slumping over your seat. Summer had just recently started but Japan already got bombarded with a random heat wave that took the entire 1-A class aback. You had checked the news this morning but since you were in such a rush you forgot to bring a fan with you.

" ah wait (y/n), we can make one out of paper, I have extra" ochoco said as she swiftly reached in her bag and pulled out two slightly crumpled blank papers. She's so adorable, you're glad you made friends with her right at the beginning. You thanked her and got to work.

" FUCK THIS! WHEN CAN WE FINALLY LEAVE THIS SHITTY ASS CLASSROOM ??!!" You instantly recognized whose voice that was and weirdly enough you related to katsuki. This was the first time you weren't annoyed at his obnoxious yelling that reaches everyone in a 100 meter radius because you related so much ... or because you couldn't really bother that much right now because your brain shut down due to the heat.

" ugh damn it " you cursed under your breath. The diy fan you just created isn't much help and it's also really floppy. Groaning in annoyance you lean back it your chair and stare at the ceiling. Not many people are talking so a comfortable
Silence fills the room only to be broken by the lively cicadas singing outside. It wasn't bothersome though. It created just the right atmosphere with a few too many degrees. It was the last lesson of the last day of school right before the summer holidays so Aizawa decided to sleep and give everyone free time. For once he isn't cocooned in his yellow sleeping bag, you guessed the heat even got to him.

" (y/n)-San are you alright?" You could recognize that voice anywhere. Even though his voice was stoic as usual you could still hear the worry breaking through

" I've been through worse I guess" you say tearing your eyes from the ceiling to look at him - Todoroki Shōto, your crush. At first you couldn't believe yourself, he seemed so cold and closed off. Why would you ever like someone so distant? But your heart doesn't lie and neither does the fluttery feeling in your stomach or the Adrenalin rushing through your veins.

You meet his eyes and wipe some sweat off your brows. You could see the worry on his face increase. God he's lucky. Since he's half ice half fire he never has to worry about being too hot or too cold. You're kinda jealous but then you remember what he went through as a child. He really just deserves a good hug, pat on the head and a " you're doing amazing ". You've zoned out on his face but you don't really care right now. It's too hot to care about anything... except for a cold shower maybe. Yeah that would be nice

" I feel like a tired little chicken under a way too hot incubator lamp" you say as You close your eyes and lay your head on the table.

" (y/n)-San are you having a heat stroke ? Please let me accompany you to recovery girl"

" I'm fine, thanks for the offer though "

" please I insist. Your well being is important to me"

You're really not having a heat stroke but that was cute. You can feel the flutters again and your heart thumping faster. Ahh he's so cute. You could probably get some ice packs form recovery girl plus you get to walk alongside Shōto all alone. And so you heave yourself up from the table and let him guide the way.

Todoroki x reader Where stories live. Discover now