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"Guys, I still think we should look up some more information before we jump into this and buy a hybrid..." Liam brought in.

"Liam, come on! Live a little!" Louis retorted.

"Yeah, but... none of us are omegas, none of us have ever been with an omega... how are we supposed to take care of one?" Liam was clearly worried about what they were about to do. About what they had wanted for so long now. A relationship between alphas was not exactly common, so when the five of them got together, they hadn't really knew how hard the need to take care of someone would grow stronger and stronger. They needed an omega in their relationship. But they also knew that adding someone else to this already not very normal relationship would tend to cause problems. That's why they settled for a hybrid. Not all omegas were hybrids, but all hybrids were omegas. It was easier to bring something like a hybrid into their relationship, because they could all show it how much they loved it, hybrids were used to polyarmous relationships.

"We're getting a girl, Liam! It's not like alpha girls are any different from omega girls, right? We'll figure everything out at its own time and pace... Now come on!" They were already going to the store, the pet store. As much as all of them hated how hybrids were treated in general, you couldn't just find one on the street and make it yours, they were too expensive for that. So, yeah, the pet store was the place to go to. Hybrids weren't just pets for them though. They had all grown up in families which owned a hybrid, but didn't treat them like they were owned... they were just part of the family, someone to take care of, someone to love.

"So, are we all sure that we want a girl?" Harry asked.

"Yes! I mean, we're all bisexual, so one day or another we're probably going to grow tired of dicks, let's face it." Niall blurted out. They knew they all needed this hybrid for sex as well. Since they were all alphas it wasn't pleasant for them at all to get fucked. Other than handjobs and the occasional blowjob their sexual activity was pretty non-existing, and it was killing them. The sexual tensions and frustrations were going to break their relationship one day, even though they loved each other with all their hearts.

"So, what combination are we going for? Dog or cat?" Hybrids existed with all combinations of mammals, but a dog and a cat were the most common and were the cheapest as well.

"I say cat. If we had chosen a guy I would have wanted a dog hybrid, but I think a cat is just more feminine." They all agreed with Harry.

"Now, let's set some rules first. We're buying someone who obviously needs to get out. Someone who needs saving. We all know how awful those pet stores can be. And when we get her home, we're not just going to jump on her, understood? I know when we got a new hybrid, our first one at home, he was so scared of everything. They need loving for the first few days before anything. We're going to make her feel at home, we're going to make her feel loved before we use her as if she's just an object, okay?"

"Liam, we've been together for almost a year now, you know us well enough and you know that we would never do any harm to someone like that." Zayn tried to calm him down. Liam just wasn't very good with spontaneous decisions like this. Like waking up one morning and deciding to go to the pet store.

"Okay, we're here. As much as I'd like to save every hybrid in there, we can't. We can't do that. As much as we all would like to kill the owner of the shop, please just contain yourselves. We can't do anything about this." They all sighed at Louis' words. The world was just horrible towards hybrids, it wouldn't even matter if they got mad at the owner of the pet shop. They all knew they could only save one hybrid in there, but sometimes it just hurts when you want to make a change and you can't.

They all walked into the store, greeted by nothing but silence. Harry couldn't help but wonder why it was so quiet, for he expected nothing but noise of caged animals and hybrids. The shopowner was nowhere to be found as they walked to the back of the store where the hybrids were all locked up in cages that were too small to be comfortable. No hybrid really stood out to the boys, they were all quiet and they had these weird look in their eyes. As if they just weren't interested. As if they didn't need help as if they just weren't there. It was like a body but an empty shell, holding no soul or no mind inside. They all wore the same basic outfit, black underwear. The female hybrids also had a bra, but no coverage on the rest of their bodies.

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