Chapter 1

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Lucifer POV

Beep beep beep bee- "UGH!" I scream at the goddamn alarm clock blaring at 04:00. As the last one in this house, I'm used to taking care of myself. I pick up and clean the last parts of the house and make sure it looks nice before I leave for good.

My mum and father took a flight to America almost a month ago to sign paperwork and finalize agreements for the house. So that means I was left in France to finish my junior year and get ready for the move.

I dress in a pair of sweatpants and a wife beater and grabbing the last of the luggage I step out of my French home that I have lived in for the past 3 years. Longer than any house I had in my childhood.

I get a taxi to the airport and check my luggage, swiping my debit card without a look at the triple digit cost. My parents don't care, as long as they keep there oh-so perfect jobs and fancy lifestyle nothing matters. Not even there son, who they named after the lord of hell himself. I have asked why they had chosen my name and the o my reply I got was 'it sounded cool.'

With a name like Lucifer, people tend to be weary of me. I may be rough on the outside, the gym being the place I go to work off anger and frustration, not that I have a lot of mussel, I have a good amount. But I actually am a straight A student with an full ride to any college I choose.

Surprising enough, I only have ever had two good friends, and I'm happy that they are willing to come see me all the way from France.

Just as I get into the line for Starbucks inside the airport, my phone starts ringing. I throw in my Apple AirPods and answer.

"Salut Lucifer! Ça va?"

"Salut Amélie. Ça va. Et toi?"

" Pas mal! Jack et moi nous préparions à pour école et juste vouloir juste dire bonjour. Comment est l'Amérique?"

" Je suis toujours en France. Mon vol part dans 45 minutes. En ce moment, je obtenir du café.

"Vous ne vivent pas Café. Eh Bien, je suis dose y Aller. À Bientôt sur Vacances en Amérique!" She says, I can feel her smile over the phone.

"Au revoir Amélie, Et à bientôt" I say and hang up the phone. I order my coffee and wait for it to be made before heading to my gate.


Gabriel POV

Beep beep beep bee- I have never understood the point of alarms. I always wake up to see the sun rise anyway.

I leave my balcony window and grabs my cloths. Heading to the bathroom to finish my daily routine I completed everything I needed to, heading down the stairs to meet my family for breakfast.

"Good morning Gabriel, how did you sleep?" My mother asks in her usual cheery voice. I sweep my dark blond hair out of my eyes and smile at her, through all the years i have lived, i have learned how to fake a smile.

"I'm great Mom. Thanks for asking." I say, grabbing a bowl of cereal and quickly shoving spoon fulls into my mouth. My father glares at me and my mother smiles as my younger sister walks down the stairs, holding her stuffed horse. Even at 10 years old that toy never leaves her hand, unless for school

"G'mornin'" she says grabbing a bowl and filling it up. After she sits at the table, my father looks at me.

"See? You sister knows how to eat with the family. Be like her next time Gabriel. Women like it more." My father says and I nod and walk out the door. After scrambling to get to my car, i sit in the driveway and throw my head against the steering wheel of my 2018 mustang. I realised what I had done and coressed the spot my head hit and apologized to my poor car, it did nothing. I throw it into reverse and head off to my last year of highschool.

Reaching the school, I realize that there is only two minutes before the late bell rings. I grab my bad and make a mad dash for my french class.

I reach the room and throw open the door right i as the bell rings.

" C'est bon Gabriel. Va t'asseoir." She says and I thank her, taking me seat.

"Ok class, before i start class I am letting you know that a new student from France will be joining us for the year. I would like someone to partner with him and show him life in america. Gabriel, I was hoping you would do it." She says and throws me a smile. I sigh knowing my gay ass could not turn down a foreign man, especially french.

"Oui Madam Williams, Je peux l'aider." I sigh. This is gonna be a while ride.

"One question, does this boy have a name?" I ask.

"The only name he gave the school, was Lucifer." She says with a confused look on her face. I can tell she had to re read it.

"Lucifer." I whisper testing it out. I think I like it.
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Word count : 900

I hope you enjoy this! It's been running abound my head for a while now and I just have written it down. Next will be a character explanation then we will jump right in! Enjoy!


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