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I had just finished unpacking everything into my little apartment, nothing too fancy just enough space for me to live and continue with my studies alone. I was offered a dorm at the university but decided on getting a small cheap apartment to avoid the university traffic and loudness.

I sigh as I drag the final box up to the third floor and into my new living space for the next hellish few years.

Locking the door I lay on the cold floor

"Agh y/n why didnt you just take the dorm from them ar least I could've had help moving in.."

I spent the rest of the night talking with my mother about how nice things seem to be so far is daegu and she reminds me of looking for a job, great another worry in my mind popping up.

"No sleep tonight,,"

I mummer hanging up with my mother,as she wishes me well.

Rest of the night i spent either job hunting or binge watching the latest kdrams.

I woke up in a cold sweat remembering I had interviews in the morning


I groan as I scream into my pillow, I had missed 3 interviews already. I sign quickly getting ready for the next one at 4:25, I run down the stairs almost faceplanting into the ground.

Patting myself off I make my way to a nice little family restaurant called 여보세요 [[Big Mom/Big Heart's Blood Sausages Stew]]

I smile as it looks very nicely put together, having such a homey vibe makes me feel like I'm back at home with my mother again.

I make my way in, it is seemingly calm only a few customers, as I approach the counter a woman pops up in front of me.

"Hello dear! Just on time~"

I get startled and jump back but slowly relax to the familiar voice of my interviewer I had talked to on the phone.

She drags me into the back room and places me down with an ecstatic look on her face, holding my hand she quickly gets through the interview.

"You are great for this!! I will see you in tomorrow!~"

My jaw drops

"I have the job?? Just like that?! I-i-"

She helps me calm down and the next few hours were spent chatting about the restraunt, introducing me to her husband and she even let me taste test some things off the menu.

Most importantly though she explained to me they are having a mini celebration tommarow and she wants me to help her cook and serve the food.

"Thank you so much I appreciate this very much" I saw lightly bowing as I head towards the door to walk out, at this point the store had just closed and the remaining people had left a few minutes prior.

As I was heading out saying my final goodbye to the mins a strange man in all black barged through the locked door I was opening and made his way to the back of the place.

I was taken a back and quickly turned to the mins only to see them with their fond smiles to the intruder, I quickly clamp my jaw shut and decide to ignore it, maybe it was a family friend or something..

As I head back to my place I hear screams of girls and the clash of cameras as 6 grown men hop out of a car and sneak into the back room of the mins restraunt.

"Weird day.." I say huff walking back to my building, up the stairs to my apartment, as I get inside I yodel with glee that I finally have decent job!

"I love the mins.." I say to myself in a slight chuckle as I prepare my uniform for seemingly big day at work tommarow.


Agh sorry for this crappy prologue its info that will be important later it might seem all random with some of the more non obvious things I went into and its like,,,

bitch just write chapter one instead of this but that's gonna take me a bit its gonna be p long so take this for now pleas

I promise to have chapter one and two up in the next week or two!! Just very busy atm sorry for my rushed writing tho I promise I am a better writer than this ;;;

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