If you believe

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Amari come to the kitchen with me " Mia said

I carried Aubrey and we walked to the kitchen

"Wassup what happend ?" she ask cutting up cheese squares

"I have I bring in each of them one by one an we will find out if they are the father the day of" i rolled my eyes

"That's good quick and easy stop being a asshole " she laughed

"Where the baby ?" I asked her brining up her beautiful baby Nivea

"Girl upstairs sleep "

"Aubrey bout to right next to her " I laughed

"Who have u been around shay ?" she asked

"Actually no ... " I rolled my eyes

"Where Randall go ?" I asked because he letter as soon as he saw me

"Girl today his kid birthday ..u know he got another baby ?" she smiled

"Bitch stop playing !" I yelled

"Yes girl yes !!!" she twerked

"But he forced me To abort Aubrey' fcking dick face " I laughed

"But yeah girl but yeah " she began to talk about herself as usal I blanked out and started to think about tae ..

"Aye bitch I got to go " I said looking at my phone I got a text from my old friend Lola to come meet her at go bananas with her daughter .


"Lil man whY you want to eat " I asked my son Deontae

"Can u make some eggs sausage and biscuits " he smiled

" I got you " I turnt on the speaker for the speakers to blast K Camp Money Baby

I cooked lil shorty breakfast even though it was damn near dinner but he wanted to go to his friend from school birthday party

"What we wearing ?" I asked him as we went to the close

"All white robins and white tee and our ones " he picked out

Every since his mom died I spoiled my son to death

I ain't get to be with him that much before !

We jumped in our car and headed to
Go bananas


I walked in go bananas and lil man started going crazy his ass only 6!

"Okay who birthday party this is ?" I asked

"Marion's there go his mommy !" he runs to this thick lady with long red hair looking like k Michelle from behind .

I walked up and tapped her

"Tae ?" shay said smiling
"This yo son party ?" I asked

"Yeah our sons go to school together ?" she asked

"I guess so " I smiled

"Aw okokokok " she smiled and finished fixing the ballons

"Damn yo baby grew up that fast " I heard from behind me " I turnt and seen Randall

"Well Shid I don't know it might be yo son to " I said looking serious

"Come on we suppose to be homies like blood " he laughed

"Ain't shit funny .. This ain't the right time or place !" I said rolling my eyes pulling out my phone one of my thots was blowing it up I seen it was Lola

"Hello man " I answered

"Where r u ?" she asks semi yelling
"Go bananas with Deontae "

"Oh me too "

"Where u at ?" I asked

"By the front door " she said hanging up
I looked at Randall and brushed passed him

I go by the front door and see Lola and her daughter who is 4 years old .

"Hey bae " she hugged me

I gave her a half hug

"Why you here ?" I asked

"Meeting my friend Mari " she said

"Aw " I looked away

"Hey bitch " Her friend walked

"Hey beeeeeee " Lola got loud

I looked at we friend and just staired

"Amari ?" I asked looking at her

"Tae !" she looked at me

"Y'all know each other ?" Lola looked

"Yeah" amari lowered her head and picked up the car seat and walked out

I walked out behind her

"Amari wait " I yelled

"Amari " I yelled again

"What tae ?" she turned around

"Can you just wait damn " I jogged towards her

"What's been going on ?" I asked

"Seriously tae ?" she lowers her head I knew she was finna cry

"What's wrong ?"

"U aske how I been ? nigga I been a single mother what how I been " she snapped

"Look .." I picked up the car seat and we walked to her car

" Um can somebody tell me what's going on ?" Lola came out

Oh shit

"Look Lola this my baby momma so u dismissed bye !" I yelled she turnt around and grabbed her daughter hand and leftd

"Now I'm yo baby momma ?" she looks at me

"Man amari shut up and come inside " I looked at her

"Hell no "

"Look we finna fix This shit ok ! I was mad at you ! I ain't wanna have shit to do with you because u fucked my blood g ! but I'm trynna b a man and stand up to my responsibilities ! okay damn " I snapped

She looked at me with tears

"Tae you left me .... I had to take care of Aubrey for months by myself !!! doctor appointments ,late nights with no sleep " she Cried

"Look I'm sorry " I hugged her

"Can we go to the clinic and get this DNA test Tmma " she looked at me

"Yeha I agree .." I hugged her


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