Every Rule Broken

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••December 2011••
Here we are again.
Another day another game, as Dylan says.
A T20 international against England, I had made 80 runs for the day, not my best but so far so bloody good.

"HOWZAT!" Olivia roars, turning to the umpire before he raises his finger.
I sigh and begin my trek to the change rooms.

'Bad luck!' He applauds as I ran off. I smile at him in thanks, gripping my helmet as I run up the stairs, tucking my bat under my arm. I can hear his sneakers behind me, the grip scrapping against the concrete. I hold my breath as I make my way to my locker, replaying the shot that had skidded past me and hit the stumps.

'You could've swung through and it would've gone down through cover.' I tell myself, placing my bat in the wooden locker.

'You're cute when you talk to yourself.' A deep voice murmurs.

'What'd ya say?' I spin around in confusion, his dark eyes are shadowed by his lowered eyebrows.

'I said you're cute when you talk to yourself, let me help you with your gear.' He steps forward and his hand reaches for my pad. I step back and shove my hand in his face.

'No thanks mate, I'm right.' I say, ripping back the velcro.

'Please I insist.' He lurches forward and pushes me into the bench. My hands grip the wood as I watch him closely. He slowly gets down onto his knees and begins to undo my pads. I don't think I have ever felt more uncomfortable in my entire life.

'I'm sorry please stop, get off me.' I attempt to brush his hands away but he rips my pants down to get my thigh pad off. I try to scream but his hands are over my mouth and I find myself trapped beneath him on the floor.

'NO STOP PLEASE!' I plead as he laughs.

His hands are rough, one roams my body and the other guards my mouth. I feel tears streaming down my cheeks, I am utterly defenceless. Soon enough his rough movements and tight hands stop and he rises to his feet.

'I saw the way you looked at me you slut.' He snarled pulling up his pants as he stares down at me. I close my eyes and cover my face, my whole body aches as I listen to his heavy feet march outside. I scramble to my knees and crawl to the toilets, I slam the doors of the showers and strip off before sitting under the warm water.

The water trickles down my body, mixing with my tears and muffling my cries. I have just been sexually assaulted by a man who looks after us. The man who we are supposed to trust with everything we have. I pull myself to my feet and dry myself off, I quickly throw on my uniform and push on my cap and sunglasses.
I am tying the laces on my shoes as Megan wonders in, placing her bat and helmet down in her locker.

'Hey Dot, great batting today.' She smiles.

'Same to you.' I respond. Megan looks at me quizzingly, I feel as if her narrow eyes can see right through me.

'You alright hun?' She asks in her familiar South Australian accent. I nod quickly and jump onto my feet.

'Yep, just annoyed I couldn't get up to 90.' I shrug and we chuckle.

'That's cricket.' She smiles.

I tell her to have a shower and I slowly step outside.

'Great batting Dot, very strategical.' Our coach Belinda pats my back, I flinch but brush it off with a smile. I feel sick to the stomach and I feel like at any moment I will burst out in tears.

There he is, sitting beside Belinda cheering with every run the girls make. Shivers cover my body, and my heart races with every glance he gives me. A tear slips free but I catch it before it falls. I rotate the gold band on my finger, Dylan's name echoing in my head.

"Did I cheat on him?"

At the tea break I am shaking, I am beside myself. I see Kate run off the field and I bolt after her.

'Katie!' I call out and she turns around.

'Woah Dot what's wrong?' She asks as I grab her hand and drag her into the toilets. I slam the door and fall into her arms, bursting into hysterics.

'Daisy, what happened?' She holds me tight.

'He raped me Kate, he held me down and almost came inside me but you know wriggled free before he got me pregnant.' I cry almost inaudibly.

'Who was it?!' Kate's eyes flare with anger.

'The Aussie physio.' I mutter.

'Youre kidding!' Kate exclaims. 'I've got you don't worry, I'll shoot him before Dylan even gets the chance.'

'No Kate no one can know!' I scream.

'Why the hell not Daisy?! He hurt you and he will not get away with it, not if I have anything to do with it.' Kate has a snarl lodged on her lips.

'What will Dylan think? Probably that I'm weak and can't fight my own battles.' I sob.

'That's part of the reason why we have a husband, for support, they have voice recorders and cameras in their Dot, he can't hide from this and he won't.' She reassures. I stand in her arms, crying my eyes out.

"Don't worry Daisy, it'll all be okay, I promise." She runs her hand through my hair.

"Will it though Kate? I don't know if I'll recover from this? I have bruises in places I don't even dare look!" I wail.

Kate's lips twitch, "I'm sorry." She whispers holding me close.

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