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Finn, now curled up in a chair in the waiting room looking at the wall, was wondering how much longer.

How much longer will she be in surgery?

How much longer till he can see her?

How much longer till he can talk to her?

What if he doesn't get to? What happens if she's not okay? What if this is the end? All of these bad thoughts rushed around his head. He couldn't handle them.

He tried to shake them out of his head before he could cry again.

"Finn..." Nick whispered in the chair next to the boy.

Finn didn't move. His eyes stayed glued to the wall in front of him, biting his nails.

"Maybe you should go home, just to get rest?" Nick suggested.

Finns eyes darted over to Nick. He shook his head, "I can't leave her."

Nick sighed slightly. He didn't want his brother doing this to himself.

"At least come home just to change?"

Finn didn't even realize till now, that the button up under his suit jacket-that he had left somewhere he didn't remember-was cover in blood.

He shuttered. It was all too real. He didn't like this.

The once light purple button up was now a dark dark red brown color on the front. He felt sick to his stomach.

Finn sighed, he looked over to the doorway worried. "Go home and have a shower and change Finn, I'll call you the second if anything happens." Jaeden said.

Finn sighed, and slowly nodded.

He couldn't stay in this forever. He didn't like how real it made everything. A reminder that none of this is a dream.

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