Ichigo's confession to Naoto

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"...Because the one I like, is you!" Ichigo cried. 
"Okay! That's a wrap!"

Ichigo sat down and drank some water. She let out a happy sigh. Her filming for her new movie was over! Aoi rushed over.
"You keep getting more amazing, every time!" she beamed. Ichigo smiled back. 

"Good work." someone said in a quiet voice. Ichigo and Aoi turned to see someone with messy black hair, golden eyes and glasses. 
"Suzukawa sensei!" Ichigo greeted the teacher. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to get you two back to school." he replied in his calm voice. 
"Oh, thanks!" Ichigo said. "Let's go, Aoi!" 

Back at school-

"I have to go to an acting class now, see you later." Aoi told Ichigo. Ichigo nodded and waved at Aoi who was running off. She turned to go back to her room to do her homework but ran into Naoto. 
"Suzukawa sensei! Sorry! I thought you left." Ichigo apologised quickly. Naoto smiled calmly. 
"It's okay, well I'll get going now." he said. 
"Okay, me too." Ichigo said. They both walked together in the same direction. Then they stopped to laugh at each other. 
"Are you going this way too?" Naoto asked. Ichigo nodded with an awkward smile. They walked off again in silence. Ichigo's heart slowly started beating in a steady rhythm. She took a deep breath and then blushed. He... Smells kinda nice... She thought in her head. She went even more red when she realised what she was thinking about. Naoto stopped again and turned away. 
"I'm going this way now." he said. "See ya." Ichigo looked at him and nodded with a small smile. When Naoto was almost 10 meters away, Ichigo put her hand on her chest and scrunched it up in a fist. What am I doing...? 

Back in her room, Ichigo took out her homework and started reading the first question. Suddenly, Naoto popped into her mind. 
"Kya! Why am I...?" Ichigo said aloud, running her hand through her hand and messing it up. She ignored her thoughts and continued her work. After finishing the first question, she moved on to the next, when Naoto's voice popped into her head. "I'm going this way now... See ya..." Ichigo closed her eyes and shook her head violently trying to shake out Naoto. When she stopped, she stared down at her work. 
"Stop stop stop stop stop." she told herself. She finally finished a page when Naoto popped into her head again. 
"I want to see him..." Ichigo whispered. She stretched. "Well, I guess I'll have a break now, I can't concentrate anyways." she said. Then, she fixed her hair and went outside. I guess I'll go to the library... Ichigo thought to herself. When she was browsing the books on the shelf, someone grabbed her by the shoulders. 
"Boo!" they cried. Ichigo squeaked and spun around to see a giggling Kaede. 
"Kaede chan!" Ichigo exclaimed. Then she lowered her voice. "We need to be a little quieter," Kaede nodded. 
"Whatcha doin?" She questioned, taking a book off the shelf and flipping through it. 
"I can't concentrate on my homework because Suzu-" she stopped herself. "Someone," she began again. "...Keeps getting in my head." Kaede smiled. 
"Is it a boy?" she questioned. Ichigo looked at the shelf and nodded. Kaede put her book back onto the shelf and picked up another book. 
"That means that you like him!!" Kaede sang. Ichigo went red. 
"What? No!" she protested. "I don't like...! I... I'm not quite sure what I think of him..." she drifted off. Kaede threw her book onto the shelf and grabbed Ichigo's arm. 
"Let's go outside before I start squealing." she chirped, dragging Ichigo out of the library. 

Kaede and Ichigo sat down on a bench. 
"So, I'll now be asking you some questions, you ready?" Kaede stated. Ichigo nodded slowly, not knowing that the questions will create a new path for her. 
"Question number one, does your heart beat faster when you're near this boy?" Kaede asked. Ichigo nodded. Kaede squealed. 
"Do you want to be with him at random times?" she continued. Ichigo nodded again. 
"Do you feel happy when he's happy?" Kaede quizzed. Ichigo nodded once more. 
"You're in love! Ichigo! You're in love!!!" Kaede squealed excitedly. Ichigo covered Kaede's mouth quickly. 
"Shh!!" she said and, "Are you sure though?" Kaede nodded and Ichigo took her hand off her mouth. 
"Tell him that you like him!" Kaede beamed. Ichigo paused. That means... say "I love you" to Suzukawa sensei... 
"Kaede chan..." She sighed. "I'll tell you who it is, and then you'll know that it's impossible for him to like me back." Kaede's smile faded. 
"...Okay." she replied. 
"Suzu..kawa... sensei..." Ichigo stammered. "Our age difference it too big. Plus, he's a teacher." Kaede didn't even look sad about it. She put her hand on Ichigo's shoulder. 
"Just tell him. You'll be fine." Kaede said in a calm voice. With that, she left Ichigo there on the bench. 
"Just tell him?" Ichigo repeated Kaede's words aloud. 
"Who?" a familiar voice asked behind her. Ichigo turned to see Naoto. He placed his hands on the bench behind Ichigo and looked down at her. 
"I thought you went back into your room." He said. Ichigo couldn't look into his eyes. 
"Ah... Yes... I did, but um... I concentrate couldn't. Oops, I mean, I couldn't c-concentrate." she swallowed. 
"Mmhm... Oh, you have a small twig in your hair." Naoto stared at the back of her head and took out the twig gently. Ichigo went super red. 
"Thank you..." She said, still not looking at Naoto. 
"Are you okay?" Naoto asked, noticing her strange behaviour.
"Sorry Suzukawa sensei... The next thing I say... Will probably ruin our friendship forever... But I want to tell you..." Ichigo whispered. Naoto listened. 
"I... like... you," Ichigo confessed. Naoto came and sat down next to her. 
"That can't ruin our friendship. I like you too. Ever since I first met you, I had fallen in love with you. I cared about you so much which made me forget about the gap in our ages. Even so, I'll wait patiently for you. When you become my current age, I'll still like you. I don't think I'll ever meet anyone else more important to me than you." 

Ichigo sat there, looking down at the ground. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. 
"Okay." she said. Then she smiled. "Please wait for me."


Next: Asahi's confession to Koharu

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