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“Professor, I know that I haven’t been doing well -”

“Mr. Kyte, you flunked the summer reading quiz. You only had one correct answer.” Professor Yates took off her glasses, rubbing the bridge of her nose. Carter turned his head to the ground, hoping that no one around him heard that. 

Carter knew he was going to fail this class. Which was quite unfortunate, considering his promise to pass was the only reason he hadn’t spent his past summer in summer school for Sophomore English. He should’ve read the books, but he’d been too busy vacationing with the Lisbons and drinking with his friends.

“It’s been a really rough week -”

“Mr. Kyte. I realize that your girlfriend was shot on Sunday, however, you had all summer to complete the required reading. And judging by your quiz, you did not -”

“I’ve just been -”

“Miss Wilson, would you please come here?”  Professory Yates directed her words over his shoulder.

Carter turned around, catching an off guard Felicity Wilson setting down a stack of books that she’d most likely just spent an entire minute organizing. Carter didn’t know Felicity too well. She kept to herself, except when it came to giving answers in class. However, he knew that she was some sort of genius. Camilla said she was ‘fucking brilliant’, which was probably what most people would say about her, considering she was top of the class. 

“Of course, Professor.” Felicity responded softly, stepping over to the desk and standing next to Carter. 

“Mr. Kyte, this is Miss Wilson. Miss Wilson, this is Mr. Kyte,e” Their teacher introduced. The two exchanged awkward glances, the result of having been in school together for two years and knowing who the other was despite never speaking. 

“Miss Wilson, I was wondering if you would be willing to tutor Mr. Kyte.” 

“Professor, we haven’t even finished the first week -” Carter began to complain.

“After teaching you last year, I figure it’s best to start you off early.” Professor Yates narrowed her eyes at him, and he glared back.

“Um, Professor,” Felicity interjected, thankfully. “I’m not exactly sure what -”

“I’m presuming you did the summer reading, judging by your quiz score. I’d like you to go over the novels with Mr. Kyte, in addition to future classwork.” Professor Yates’s tone was very final; Carter could tell that Felicity was not in a position to say no. 

“Right. Um, I’d be happy to.” Felicity accepted meekly.

“Excellent.” Professor Yates smiled (probably at the discomfort of the other two). She scribbled out two late notes onto a yellow pad of paper for both of them. As she did so, Carter noticed Felicity impatiently looking at the clock and wondered whether didn’t want to miss class or if she just really wanted to get out.

“I would suggest meeting two times a week. I trust you two can figure out a time and place on your own.” The grey haired woman handed them each a slip, and they both exited the classroom.

Once they were out into the hall, the tiny blonde girl turned to Carter. “When would you like to meet?" 


“When should I tutor you?”

“Look,” Carter glanced around to make sure no one else was in the hall, then turned to face Felicity. “You don’t actually have to tutor me.” 

“What?” Her eyebrows knitted together.

Carter sighed. “You obviously would rather be, I dunno, studying or something, and I don’t want -”

“Professor Yates, asked me to tutor you -" 


“-and considering that you only got one correct on the quiz, I don’t think it would be hard for her to figure out if I wasn’t -”

“You heard that?” 

Felicity sighed. “Yes, I did.” 

“How about Mondays and Thursdays?” Carter suggested, figuring that he didn’t stand a chance of convincing the valedictorian to lie to a teacher. 

“Starting today?”

“Starting Monday. I’ll meet you in the library?”

“Study rooms are always packed on Mondays, and we’ll get yelled at if we aren’t -”

“Right, right. Um, what about Athena’s Room?”

Athena’s Room was a coffee shop on the far end of town. It used to be popular, but ever since the Dunkin Donuts had opened closer to school, nobody ever went there, besides a few teachers and townies. It would be a fine place to meet; nobody would see him. 

“Sure. Four o’clock?”

“See you Monday." 

Felicity nodded and walked away, holding her books tight to her chest as she walked down the hall towards the library for her study hall.

There really was anything she’d rather be going than tutoring Carter Kyte. She may have been smart, but tutoring took time; time that she didn’t have, thanks to her classes. However, Professor Yates loved her and would definitely write her an amazing reccommendation letter. Felicity couldn’t risk losing that. To be fair, she didn’t even really know Carter. They were in two completely different social circles and had never even spoken before today. Maybe he’d turn out to be tolerable.


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