Chapter 2- Because I'm bored

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"What! You don't mean that, you can't mean that!" Elizabeth shouted at him.

"I can and I do," Brandon responded.

"I don't care what you do with it. Abortion or keep it but I don't ever want to see it. Goodbye forever Elizabeth."

"Brandon wait please don't leave," Elizabeth cried out.

Brandon just looked at her then left.

Elizabeth fell to the ground sobbing.

-Some time later-

Someone walked up behind her and asked if she was alright.

Elizabeth turned to see one of the most adorable dogs ever.

"Awe your dog is so cute!" she exclaimed in the midst of her tears.

"Thanks," the kind stranger said.

Elizabeth finally looked up and saw a woman about her age. Pretty but average.

"Oh I'm being rude aren't I? My name is Hannah nice to meet you."

"N-nice to meet you too," Elizabeth choked out through her tears.

"If you don't mind my asking why are you crying?" Hannah inquired.

"Well, I'm pregnant and when I told my boyfriend he said that he didn't want anything to do with me or the child," she said quickly.

"Oh I'm so sorry. If you would like you can come stay with me for a while if you need," Hannah responded.

"Thanks but I'm sure I'll be fine but thanks anyway," Elizabeth said quietly.

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