I froze in place, petrified by the horrific sight that stood in front of me.It just laid there, still. Limp. The once beautiful shade of yellow it captured was now an engrossing mixture of green and brown. Flies flew around it, looking for the perfect place to land. Ants had already started to cover the poor thing. It wasn't ready to go yet, but...
Why? Why did it have to befall such a terrible fate? It didn't deserve it. I didn't deserve it. My loved one... The only thing I cared about. Ruined in an instant.
Why couldn't it have been someone else instead? My melancholy stare was directed at the delicate, red holder. It was its only protection, and yet it couldn't save it...
My knees buckled under me, tears swelling up in my eyes. However, it did not matter... All that I could think about in the heat of the moment was-
"MY FRIES!!" I wept as strangers glanced at me with annoyed expressions, weirded out by my sudden outburst.
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