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Recap ~

She then kisses him and looks back at me...

"He loves me....he was just using you to make me jealous right babe ?" She looks and him and he nods...

"I can't . Believe it.." I sobbed every word...I fell to my knees and he didn't even pity me...nothing..

Dae Sook cried her heart out...she loved Jungkook so much . Everything she'll try to do it for him.....but why did she waste her time on him...

Jungkook who left her a crying mess...

Dae sook picked herself up , she wiped her tears while everyone stared at her . Some girls then came to her and comforted her which she thanked them and just left .

She decided to walk back home...or more a less to SVT's home since it was closer to the school .

Woozis POV

I lay myself onto the couch and take my phone out . I swiped through instagram .


[ ding dong ]

"Who's that ?" I say as i got up from the couch and ran to the door . I opened it and saw Dae Sook..

She was crying..

"Dae sook wh--" I couldn't complete my words as she hugged me tightly and cried badly onto my chest . I stroked her hair as she cried and brought her into the house . We both sat down and she cuddled into my arms . "H-He B-Broke u-up w-with...me" she cried out as she couldn't complete her words . She was crying badly .

"Yo woozi wha--" I turn around to see Vernon who was happy to confused . I mouthed to him . "Dae sook is crying.." he walks towards us and hugs her .

No ones POV

"Dae Sook-ah what happened..." Vernon asked softly while comforting her . "J-Jungkook....he broke up with me !!" She sobs as she hugs Vernon . Vernon strokes her hair and she hugs him tighter . Vernon signaled woozi to tell Yoongi...

Woozi nodded . He took out his phone and dialed Yoongi number .

Yoongi : sup woozi ?

Woozi: Hyung Dae sook skipped school she's crying...

Yoongi : what happened ?

Woozi : Jungkook broke up with her....

Yoongi : *growls*

Woozi : don't worry hyung we're taking care of her ...

Yoongi : I'll be there after school okay ?

Woozi : sure..

Dae Sooks POV

I noticed woozi was talking on the phone . Vernon was there for me...me in his warm embrace made me so calm... Vernon was stroking my hair when I look up at him...I could feel my eyes...tears...

"Don't cry....I'm here..*kisses her forehead*" Vernon says as he plants a kiss onto my forehead . I Fake a smile which fails....he continues to hug me when woozi spoke .

"Dae Sook..Yoongi Hyung is going to come and pick you up when he's done okay ?" Woozi asks and I nod . We then have a long group hug

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