Chapter Three

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They say your dreams become reality, but they never said the same thing about your nightmares. I always dreamed of one day waking up to be five again and lying in my bedroom as my father comes to wake me up while my mother cooks me breakfast. It never happened.

I had nightmares of being venerable to the one person who wanted me dead. It happened. 

Jacob Dark. He was the leader of The Fixers. The Fixers had only one job; to take down the NAAA and everyone in it. But mostly, they wanted to take down the Death Princess. 

I watched as Jacob slowly opened the barred door and entered the little cell. Amelia and Ethan were now also waking up, their eyes widening, but I kept the same look as Jacob. Although you couldn't see me smirk because of the gag, you knew I was smirking. This drew Jacob to me. He bent down and brought his face closer to mind until we were merely inches apart. In quick movement, they took off the gag and I breathed heavily. I have always been a mouth breather. 

My smirk shone now, clear for everyone to see.

"You're a pretty little thing, aren't you?" Jacob teased. I raised an eye brow. Two can play your game, Jacob.

"I am. And pretty little things don't deserve to be locked up." He chuckled. 

"Nice try but I'm not letting you go."

"Who said I wanted you too? I just don't want to be locked up." I titled my head to the side and his smirk grew. 

"What's your name, girl." And then, I realized the obvious. He didn't know who I was. Time to have a little fun. 

"Laura," I felt Ethan tense up, almost as if telling me not to lie. And who said I was going to listen to him? 

Jacob raised his hand and stroked my face. 

"Laura," He repeated. 

"It doesn't really suit you." 

"Jacob doesn't suit you." I saw him tense up. He must have known something was wrong. 

"How do you know my name?" His smirk disappeared as mine grew. I had the upper hand here.

"I know a lot more then you do." His hand came down on my cheek. He slapped me. I slowly brought my head back to face him, still smirking, and saw that his face had gone serious. I leaned as close as I can get to him and whispered,

"That didn't hurt." This really must have pushed his buttons. He glared at me.

"Something's off with you. But I'm a patient man, so I'll wait. And I will find out. Mark my words," He paused for a second and looked me from my head to my toes and back to my face. 

"Laura," He finished. I kept smirking the whole time. 

"You may be patient, but remember I'm stubborn." He got up and started to leave. When we was inches from the door, I called out, stopping him, but he never turned around. 

"Also, know that I'm a girl who can take a hit and serve it back harder." I knew he was smirking now. 

"Challenge accepted." He muttered and left the room, leaving me alone with two gagged people. 

~          ~          ~

Okay, so now I was starving. And by the sounds of Amelia and Ethan's stomach's, so where they. Since I was the only one not gagged, I decided I'd have to scream for someone. 

"Jacob! Goons! Anyone! Get in here! I'm dying! Hurry! I swear if I get out of this mess you'll-" I was cut off.

"You'll what?" Out of the shadows, Jacob came, smirking. I smirked back at him.

"This better be important, Laura, or you will be punished for wasting my time." I changed my smirk to a rich whiny girl face.

"I'm hungry," I pouted and he just smirked.

"I like that face. Makes you seem normal." He said, walking into the cell.

"What makes you think I'm not normal?" My smirk returned.

"For one thing, you're talking to me normally." I raised an eye brow, clearly confused.

"I had people kidnap you and you're talking to me as if we're in high school and I'm the cool guy trying to chase after the girl that doesn't care about anything." I smiled and looked down. I felt a hand on my chin, lifting it gently up, gazing into Jacob's blue eyes.

"I like that smile. It's better then your smirk." He was starring at me, and I knew he was being serious. I moved my chin and looked to the side.

"I meant it. We're all hungry. You can't starve us." Jacob thought about it.

"Fine, but you, will come with me." He pointed at me. I shrugged.

"I don't even want to be with these two anyways." He looked confused, but he shook it off and unlocked me. I jumped up and rubbed my hands. They were reddish blue from the hand cuffs.

After Jacob released Amelia and Ethan, we walked over to me and held my wrist. I winced in pain, causing him to let go.

"Let me see your arm." He said to Amelia and she stuck it out to him. It was a bit red but not like mine. He went over to inspect Ethan too but his were the same as Amelia's.

"Kyle, Nathan, take these two to go eat." Two goons (that's what I refer to the body builder that Jacob calls security) came in and escorted Amelia and Ethan out, leaving me alone with Jacob. He walked over to me.

"Let me see your hand." I shook my head. 

"It's fine, I just want to eat." I started to walk but he pushed me back and crossed his arms over his chest.

"We're not leaving until I see your hands." 

"Why does it matter to you anyways! I was pulling a bit on the hand cuffs trying to get loose. It'll heal, just drop it." He didn't move and I knew it was his stubborn mind against mine. Puffing in regret for what I was about to do, I held my hands out for him to see. He smirked, knowing he won, and inspected my now turning purple wrists. 

He poked at it, and I winced again. 

"Stop doing that!" I yelled. 

"I'm trying to help!" He yelled back.

"Well don't! I don't need your help or your sympathy. I did it on my own. Stop worrying so much about it." I pulled my hands from him and I saw a hint of sadness cross his face. It was quickly replaced with anger. 

"Fine, it's my fault for trying to help." 

"Yes it is," I muttered under my breath, but he clearly heard it judging by his glare. 

"Just walk so we can go get you some food. The sooner you eat the sooner you'll be back here and out of my sight." I glared at him as he gestured for me to go first. 

"If you don't want to see me why don't you send your goons after me?" I muttered. 

"I heard that!" Turning back to face him I smirked. 

"You were suppose to!" He returned my smirk and shook his head. 

"All hell broke loose the day I brought you here." I nodded my head. 

"Your first mistake." 


"I am!"

We bantered the whole way. At last I was out of that cell. Time to create chaos. Fixer's, you have no idea what you did by letting me go. 

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