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postlude / hachi.


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"LOVE IS A SUICIDE, people say. It saddened me that she had to be the reason why, but I think I'm happy enough - knowing that I died in her arms," the sound of his mellow voice echoed out the radio.

Hearing out his words caused you to take a sharp inhale of oxygen. You tried to alleviate the heaviness sinking in your chest, but you knew it broke a piece of you just somewhere deep in your heart.

RADIO: "Thank you for listening to me. Goodbye, Se Yana."

And before you knew it, he was gone.

The radio static went louder and louder, then stopped. In the blink of an eye, your favourite love songs began to fill the quiet room again, the cream-coloured walls of your house drastically got replaced by a plain white paint, the antique decors of the interior suddenly vanished - the fireplace was now gone.

Your eyes wandered around, but all that's left was your radio cassette player sitting on the top of your clean, white desk. You were no longer in the place you used to be, the place you thought you were.

An unexpected knock from the door of your room left you startled, then came a gentle voice that called your attention,

"Ms. Yan Michiko, please open the door. It's time for your medicines."

"Ms. Yan Michiko, please open the door."

"Ms. Michiko?"

In a snap, thousands of memories flashed back inside your head. You felt your jaws clench at the mere sound of that name belonging to you. There you collapsed at the corner of your room with your nails raking across your scalp, with voices reverberating inside your head, causing your toes to curl at the seemingly pulsing ground.

You started picking up the fallen pieces of the broken illusion you've built on your own.

"Stop calling me Michiko! I am not Michiko! It wasn't me...I-I didn't do it!" you screamed endlessly in desperation, hoping they would go away soon.

Tightly clutched in your hands were the 7 leftover pills they gave you. Without hesitation, you drank all of the caplets and wished you'd overdose just so that you could forget everything all over again.

"I'm sorry, love...I didn't do it.
I never wanted to..."


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