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Levi's POV

It was just like any other morning.

Get up and go, to school that is.

And that's exactly how this morning played out-Kinda.

I ran down the stairs jumping off the last few skidding into the kitchen where my cereal was already set out for me.

I quickly poured in the milk after I put in the cereal and sat down on the black leather sofa that sat in the living room.

I grabbed the TV remote and pressed the button multiple times looking for a music channel. I accidentally skipped past it, so I clicked the back button as the speakers let out the sound of classic music.

I quickly finished my cereal and put the bowl in the dish washer grabbing my bag.

"Levi dear wait on a moment!" My mother called from the top of the stairs and soon came down with my father behind her, they wore sad expressions on their usually happy faces.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried but tried not to show it.

"Were moving" My father simply stated looking a bit sad.

"Oh where to? Not too far I hope" I said trying to lighten the mood, I didn't like it one bit.

"The country side more North of the country, it'll be too far for you to visit your friends" my mother frowned.

"Why?" I was not happy but I didn't want to upset my parents more.

"The B&B It's a more brighter and Family friendly environment but also because we need a new start okay?" She explained smiling at the end.

"Understood but what about Ere-" I started off suddenly being drenched in sadness feeling sick.

"That's up to you, we loved him like he was our son-in-law okay?" My father nodded, my family adored Eren.

"R-Right  i best be off I'll be late, what time do we go?" I said walking out the door.

"Straight after school" they said in unison.

"Love you" was all I said as I closed the door walking to school.


I walked through the busy hallways students EVERYWHERE.

I saw my boyfriend leaning against his locker talking to his friends.

He was wearing a oversized pastel blue jumper with denim shorts and ankle boots. I walked up to him with a sad smile which seemed to catch his attention.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked worried taking my hand in his warmer, smaller one.

I didn't say anything instesd I pulled him to my locker where no one really was.

"Are you oka-"

"I'm moving" I cut him of trying to remain calm.

"Oh" he looked shocked his eyes wide and a sad smile graced his features.

"Where to?"

"Up North"

"When can I see yo-"

"We probably won't see eachother again"

At that he teared up his lips trembling.

I brought him into a comfortable hug as he sobbed against my neck.

"So does that mean we're b-b-breaking u-up?" He cried.

"Y-yeah I guess so" I frowned holding back the tears that threatened to fall.

He nodded and wiped his tears with him sleeve.

"You better go tell Isabel and Farlan" he suggested as we began to separate.

"Yeah, bye Eren"

"Bye Levi"

"I'll Love you forever I promise we will meet again" I assured.

"I'll love you forever and eternity" He smiled as we parted.

Compared to the chapters to come this is a really short chapter XD PLEASE comment any mistakes!

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