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Later that night, Nikki saw her parents in the living room watching TV.

Nikki went in the living room to tell her parents
Nikki said

Hi Nikki? What's going on?
Her mom said

There's something I got to tell you
Nikki said

Whats going on Nikki?
Her dad said

Nikki sighed

I haven't really been feeling good and the school nurse asked me to use a certain type of test and......

Her parents's eyes grew big

What's going on?!?
Her mom screeched

Mom! Dad! I.....I-I'm pregnant
Nikki said

Her parents were completely distraught hearing the news from Nikki. Her eyes started to form tears

Oh my god!
Her mom screamed as she started crying

Nikki then started crying

I'm sorry!
Nikki said

Nikki J. Maxwell! We went through all this trouble to get you into school and now you get pregnant?!?
Her mom screamed

Who's the father?!
Nikki's dad yelled

Nikki then sobbed loudly

Nikki, tell us!
Her mom yelled

Nikki sobbed

Brandon Roberts?!?
Her mom said

Nikki cried

I'm going to beat the crap out of him!
Her dad yelled

Also Nikki, I'm not sure you will go off to college
Her mom said

But mom! I'd rather go to college!
Nikki cried

Well, I'm sorry and also you're pregnant and were not letting you have an abortion! If you do, you'll be in big trouble!
Her mom said

Bring Brandon here now!
Her dad yelled

Nikki then got on her phone and texted Brandon to come to her house

Brandon, can you come to my house please?

Brandon then texted her back

Sure Nikki

Pregnant?!?!Where stories live. Discover now