[1] ew school

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high school is literally the worse thing ever to exist. i rather be beaten up by the hulk until i turn into a pancake then have to walk into hells door at 7:05 in the morning. like who wakes up that early ?! it should be a crime. basically the only thing that keeps me going is peter parker. I first fell in love with him when i first saw Captain America: Civil War. when he steals caps shield and was like "hey everybody" in his lil teenage voice.
anyways. I'm currently walking into the school trying to pass everyone to get to my locker.
"hey y/n" my y/bff says happily smiling
"hey..y/bff why are you so happy at.." you started to say looking at the time on your phone "6:55 in the morning?" you finished looking at your best friend like she is crazy
"well... have you seen the infinity war trailer?" she asked showing her phone screen at me smiling widely
"WHAT ? NO WAY IT CAME OUT TODAY ?" I said earning looks from the people around me.
i give them a awkward smile and turn my attention to y/bff.
"yea I can show it too you after-" but before y/bff could finish her sentence all the lights in the school turns off, which cause some kids to scream.
you just roll your eyes, the only thing that could make me happy, and the school still finds a way to take it from me. You thought then your principal comes trying to yell over the kids screaming and talking.
"ATTENTION STUDENTS THE POWER IS CURRENTLY OFF EVERYONE PLEASE GO TO THE GYMNASIUM" so all of the kids make there way to the gym you could hear a few of them groan because they didn't dismiss the kids out of school.
you follow the crowd and y/bff behind you when all of a sudden you forgot your phone in your locker, you tried to turn around but the crowd was to big and everyone was pushing.
"ugh shit! i need my phone" you whisper to your self. when all of a sudden a huge impact knocks you out.
and all you remember is falling. and seeing the footsteps of the kids...
chapter [1]

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