Home This Christmas

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credits to xxAwCmonxx

Background information: Ian just broke through in America and his manager forced him into a relationship with Ariana Grande for the ' good publicity'. Ariana doesn't mind pretending to be his girlfriend, simply because Ian is a good looking upcoming teensensation and she likes the thought of having something that thousands of girls want.

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite." The words begin to blend together as the soft vibration echoes in the empty room. I bite my lip and close Romeo and Juliet, turning my head to stare into the blazing, crackling fire. How does one love like that? How can one person love another so unconditionally that they would die for them? I like to think that, that'll be me one day but if I'm honest with myself, I know it won't be. I take a deep breath, the aroma from the fireplace filling my lungs as the soft vibration goes off again. I swallow as my eyes snap down to my Blackberry resting on the hardwood floor next to me. I didn't have to look at the screen to know who it was; he's called all night, every five minutes.

The picture that flashes across the screen, along with his name and a heart, is a picture that I used to look at when I was lonely. That picture was a memory of what 'was'. We were happy, you could see it on our faces, it was last Christmas. My smile was genuine, his eyes were filled with love, that's just how it always was. If you ask me what happened, I honestly couldn't tell you. It was like everything was perfect and then boom a bomb was dropped on us. I can't suppress the smile that crawls across my face as I stare at the happy couple that I recognize, the snow glowing around them. Then, just as quickly as the picture appeared, it faded leaving behind the small tag saying I had a missed call and a voicemail.

With a shaky hand I grab my phone, sitting up on the fluffy white rug in the middle of the living room. I run a hand through by light brown straightened hair and sit up, leaning my back against the blue couch. The fire illuminates all around me as I type in my password for my voicemail, the brightness of the phone shinning off my black nail polish. As I hear the automated voice telling me I had one new message I take a deep, shaky breath before carefully pressing the cool metal to my ear. I prepare myself for his voice but all the preparing in the world couldn't stop the feeling of being punched in the gut as his deep, raspy, voice broke the silence.

"I'm sorry I keep calling...I just really need to hear your voice and since your not speaking to me, your voicemail is the closest thing to you. Zita, this is killing me too ya know. Your not the only one hurting, us not talking is only making it worse." I could hear that he was fighting back a sob. He wasn't crying but he was slowly becoming defeated and I knew he didn't want to show it, that's just how he is. My eyes filled with tears as I licked my lips, pulling the sleeves of his long sleeved black shirt down over my hands. "I'm not expecting you to answer when I call; hell I'm not even expecting you to listen to this message. I just need you to know, I didn't choose her over you, I never would. I love you Zita, not her." And that's where the message ended. I wasn't sure if he hung up or if the answering machine cut him off, either way he was hurting and so was I. A silent tear fell down my right cheek and I quickly reached up, pushing it away.

I eyed the callback button, debating on what to do. I knew deep down something had to be done, neither of us could keep living like this. So I did the only thing I could think of, I squeezed my eyes shut and hit the little green button. I opened my eyes when the ringing started, my heart slamming against my chest as I held the phone to my ear. It only had to ring twice before someone picked it up on the other end. "Zita...I didn't think you were going to call." He said, his voice excited but dramatically coated with a calm, mellow tone. He was trying not to seem too eager, but that's one of the things I loved about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2014 ⏰

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