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~Korea just beaten germany! It's a phenomene,An honor for the cou--"

~Economy is in a diseast--"

~Why would you do this to me chris,i need your hel--"

~Today's weather will be quit col--*

"Nothing to watch in this damn tv again" i said after turning the tv off and droping that remot control on the bed.

I opened the frig and took a beer out of it,it's the only thing that gives me life in this black hole that People call "a room".
But why? Why would it give me a life while i took someone's!

Forget about it,What I'm i supposed to say here? What are you waiting for?
What exactly want to read?
Haha ,You answered? Just make sure,I really don't give a shit.
I don't care about what you think,want nor Hope.

I'm here to tell you my story,the story of my "sad life",I wouldn't call it sad though.I don't think I deserve it any way,I don't deserve a life .

Wowo! Don't even dare to feel pity for me,I don't need any one's kindness,I don't need any one simply.
Life gave me chances,love ones,Friends,but i blew all that up.

Well well,Look who's here,The neighboor's cat that passes by every single day,My only friend.

Again,I'm not saying this to you so you can sympathies me,hell no.I'm saying it cause i need to let it out.

"Pssss,Luke come in come in "I called that little cat ,Gave him something to eat,His owner never gives him food or water,He just leaves him to starve.

Came back to my usual place,My couch.drinking my bear and talking to myself,AGAIN.

Three years now,since i came here,to live In this black room,the only lights are the tv's and the frig's lights.In this dumped appartement,with only one old neighboor that won't take much time to leave this world.No sounds,no Lights,no transport,no connection,Living apart from this cruel world.

Well after giving it a thought,I'm keeping the world away from my cruelty.


Hey! I just wanted to say that i'm using the personnel pronoun "He" for the cat,Just to show that Our main character counts it as a person,Because it's his only friend.

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