A Chase Encounter

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"Do we really need to go all the way to Booty Bay to get that stupid herb?" A tall Monk asked, pushing past people as he made his way through the crowd. "We are causing a scene."

"Your bad attitude is causing a scene." The paladin said, also very tall and shared the features with the monk. I stopped in the middle of the crowd, gaining a few confused faces in the process.

"I am more than capable going myself to the market. You and your brother happened to want to join along." I turned around and looked at them. "Unfortunately, you also come with a security detail because you're both nobles."

After expressing my distain, we went forward towards the stalls of food, spices, and other trade goods. The men looked at shops with jewels and fine silks. I kept to the streets but didn't stray too far from the pack. I looked at stalls with herbs and other unorthodox items. One of these items being Frost Rose from a Frostwolf orc.

Two years after peace was made in Dreanor, our home Azeroth was at peace. It was a certain type of peace where we tolerated the other side enough to not attack. My life was a typical one as a priest in the capital. Heal a few people, read the scrolls to improve, make potions, and other rather boring things. It was three years ago since I was discharged as a combat medic. I grew comfortable with my life although any chance to get away from Slivermoon was taken.

"I've never seen an elf like you." The orc said timidly.

I looked around before realizing she was talking to me. "I'm certain other blood elves travel to these parts too. Although this isn't really a place you'd find blood elves." I said, scanning at the other herbs.

"No, I mean there's something about you child. You have hair darker than the dark wood, lips as red as blood, skin as white as snow and eyes that shine like emeralds." She said. "Such a rare beauty and you hide under your cloak."

I smiled pleasantly as I picked out the herbs I wanted. I wore a simple red cloak with a dress made of silk. The dress was red, the shoulders exposed and the dress was rather formfitting. Just above the knees the dress flared out just a tiny bit to allow movement. My hood hid my dark brown hair that normally got mistaken for black. This was not the attire I'd wear to battle.

"Why thank you for such compliments." I bowed my head out of respect as I paid the orc. I placed everything into the bag and turned around to face the monk.

"Non'daras, are you really that bored?" I asked.

"I just came to tell you that my brother and I are going to the inn to drink some." He proclaimed.

There were some few seconds of silence before he went off in the direction of the inn. I don't know if I felt hurt that I wasn't invited or relieved that I wouldn't have a horde of people following me. Non'daras and his brother, Tamasen are some of my closet friends. I've grown up with the two and even went off to war a few times with them by my side. Non'daras is the older one by two years as Tamasen is younger than myself by one year. Their father is one of the trusted advisors of the lord regnant where my mother has gained his favor. In some ways, I shouldn't even be around them. I've tried to distance myself from them but they still find their ways back to me.

I had one more item on my list, something that is rare and the sole reason why I came down to booty bay. I looked around before entering a side street, making sure I wasn't being followed by some of the guards. I crossed one of the draw bridges before entering a small shop. I bring my hood down as the troll who ran the shop, creating potions.

"Zaralily, how can I be of service to you today?" He asked, mixing two liquids into a test tube. Zaralily isn't my actual name but it was a nickname.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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