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Louis was burning up, he had told the others that he was ill and quickly locked himself in his room where in actual fact, he had just started his heat. Although, he couldn't actually tell them that because he had already said he was actually a beta.
You might be wondering why Louis kept this a secret, well you see, Louis didn't want to be treated differently to his friends or by his 4 best friends.

"Hey, Lou are you alright in there?" He could hear Zayn ask from the door on the other side of his room.
"Yeah, just feeling a bit sick at the moment" another lie slipped from his mouth.
"D'you need anything?" Zayn asks sweetly.
"No I'm fine, thanks for the offer."
————time skip because I'm lazy and wanted to get to the best bit—————————————
Later that day, Louis came out of his room after taking his suppressants and feeling better.
Although, he had just walked into a massive argument between the boys.
"WHAT THE F-CK IS GOING ON IN HERE" Louis shouts at the best of his ability.
At that, he suddenly had 4 pairs of eyes on him.
"Who do you think you're shouting at?" Liam asks, terrifying Louis as he's the most dominant out of them.
"W-well y-you see, I was just" he cut himself off suddenly
"Do you know what, you act like a omega sometimes Lou, stuttering all the time when you're intimidated by someone whose more superior than yourself?"
"Guys, I need to talk to you about something serious"
"Omg, Louis are you ok?"Harry asks as he's the closest to Louis. And cares about him a lot.
"Yeah it's just that-, well-, I'm not-, what I'm trying to say is-,"
"Louis, take your time, it's ok, there's no need to rush"

"I'm an omega." He mumbles, he then looks up to be met with 4 pairs of beautiful, shocked faces.
"What?!" all four of her say at once.

With that, he runs, off the tour bus, into town and into mcDonald's where he can try to hide to the best of his ability with his frozen strawberry lemonade drink.

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