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After a week of being together, the boys all decided to ask management if they approved.

Their two plans were

1: if management approves then great, they can carry on as they are and possibly tell the fans


2: if management refuses then they would be together anyway and either in secret or they could just quit one direction and be together.

They didn't really care about which one, as long as they were together.

The day finally came when they were going to management.

Louis was absolutely terrified of their response, his 4 alphas didn't need to be told this as they could see as well as sense their little omega's discomfort.

Louis snuggled into Harry's side as he sat in between zayn and Harry, Louis already started to form a closer bond to Harry as they were always close, this whole situation just added to it.

Finally, they got to where they needed to be and walked into the meeting room where only a minimal amount of important people where, including Simon himself.

"Hi Simon" Harry spoke as he walked in first, holding the large door open for the tiny omega. The rest of the boys wandered in and sat down next to each other along the long table.

"What was it you needed to speak with me so urgently about boys?" Asked Simon.

"Well, as you could probably tell already, Louis has recently presented as an omega, we want your permission to be together and hopefully come out to our fans that we're together." Niall spoke with confidence lacing his voice.

The silence suffocated the room as Simon though about how he could even begin to say what he wanted.

"To be fair Simon, we're probably going to stay together wether you approve or not." Zayn said before the silence became too unbearable for the five of them.

" I'm just trying to decide if this will ruin your career or not, I don't have any issues with you wanting to be together, I just want to put your career in front of that."

"Is that a yes or no?" Louis whispered timidly.

Simon let out a large, heavy sigh before speaking. "I'm going to give this whole situation the benefit of a doubt and let you do this, you can also tell the fans."

All five boys broke out into Cheshire Cat smiles that would soon ache their cheeks.

The five lads left the building with the smiles plastered on their faces, they started to mentally prepare theirselves for what they were about to do.

I know, I'm shocked too... literally have no ideas left now matey.

Anyway, I've started to really like The 1975, might get tickets to see them next year.

Anyone else like them, what's your favourite song of theirs?

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