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Every day is the same.
Wake up, late for school, shove school uniform on, eat toast whilst sprinting to school like a lion gone mad, sign into school, go to form, sit down. Also, when the teacher isn't looking, have pens and pencils thrown at my head by other students in the class. And that actually really hurts. I know you're sat their thinking "Oh, for fucks sake, Jay. Its a bit of wood or plastic." But, when it's coming from all different directions, it hurts.
Then, first bell will go and we all file out of the classroom for Period 1.

And it's like that! Monday to Friday, repeated.
Why don't I say something about having pencils chucked at my head?
Well. Here is the thing.
I have a huge confidence issue. I cannot speak out for myself. I could be confronting a bully, or wanting to tell my best friend something on Instagram. It doesn't matter! I most probably will not speak out about it.
If my friend is upsetting me, I will not tell her. If I'm struggling with homework, I won't tell the teacher.
So. This is my story of my confidence, speaking out, bullying and mental health.

This is me speaking out for once and for all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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