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A puff of smoke from a cigar was the only normal exchange expressed thus far, prior to what was both seen and experienced minutes ago.

Bigby stood in silence alongside a woman unknown to him— eyeing the lumberjack playing idle on the street floor. Multiple lines of blood ran out of the large gash on his scalp. A small puddle of crimson liquid formed beneath the fallen figure.

The damage done to his skull would've been alarming if he wasn't a fable.

Light sounds of heels tapping on the pavement gathered Bigby's attention once again. Calling out to the girl, she turns back halfway before releasing a sigh. "How much was it he owed ya?"

Slumping his shoulders, a hand dangerously close to the pocket his wallet rested in.


Bigby doesn't hesitate to hand her a portion —a little over half— of the money needed to be collect it. She doesn't fight it much, tucking the bills beneath the fabric over her breast with a grateful nod.

Unknown to either of them, another pair of eyes that watched on curiously. Sharp [e/c] eyes were glued on the scene. Ears flicker in the direction of their conversation with lips curved into a sadistic grin.

Tongue running over her maulers, she gently strokes the knotted material of her cape. Sure enough, she knew well this girl's death will be approaching. Either it be from her boss, the Woodsman, or anyone at this point. It'd be no surprise, now is just a matter of time.

The dismissal of a wave started the idea of a clock counting down. Seconds turned to minutes, and oddly enough Bigby kept his ground longer than normal. He glances around with some suspicion— pausing once his eyes land in her direction.

She knew he couldn't spot her, there was nothing to worry for.

Bigby rocks his head away, glaring at the ground. With some hesitance, he advances and turns the corner of the sidewalk. Now out of view, she springs into work.

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《 (|) (|) 》

"I'm tellin' ya mate— this happens every fuckin' time!" Toad glares, kicking the peg of a table. His eyes slam shut, a scowl growing, he shows immediate regret with a hiss

"Why call then?" Toad groans in response, eyes meeting her own briefly. He turns away, releasing a shiver. Bright [e/c] glued to his figure, studying him for any sort of slip up.

He was nothing but the scuffed leftovers of someone's journal. Like a damaged diary protected by a plastic lock, only to be read by those with enough strength to break it open.

He mattered very little to her. All that they had of weight was history.

"That fuck-head upstairs was always a fuckin' pain n' the ass. I go do the right thing an' try to help her only to get me car wrecked by the fuckin' mutt." Toad coughs, his arms cross in an attempt to provide himself some comfort.

"How in the fuck am I supposed to afford to fix any o' this shit?"

A soft creak of a door caught both pairs of eyes. [F/n]'s darts her head at the source for a better view, expression softening upon realization. She was no professional when it came to kids but it was a given their innocence deserved to be preserved.

Toad's son plasters a frown, mustering out a quick "dad" as his eyes land on the fox.

Toad parts his lips ready to lash out, eyebrows arched. He keeps quiet at the note of her glare. Sighing somewhat loudly, he beckons his son, wrapping an arm around him upon approach.

"I'll... It's time for me to go. We'll chat some other time." Toad scoffs in silence, his hand grips the fabric of his son's shirt.

"Don't let the door hit y'er ass on the way out." She waves it off with an eye-roll, pawing at the door knob. "Don't let the fucker see ya without glamour."

Claws unsheathed, the fox sighs.

Turning over her shoulder to share a glance with the animal, black pupils dilate. Pushing the wooden frame open before running off with a slam. A feeling of disappointment clouds the atmosphere, anger would be next.

Something was missing— not knowing was irritating.

Maybe Toad did have a point in alluding Bigby would inevitably find himself poking into her business eventually. Despite hearing rumors about this sheriff, it was clear everyone only despised him due actions caused by his job. All this was is an excuse to condemn him.

Regardless, perhaps it was time to finally meet this wolf.



⫘⫘⫘⫘ LOG : ZERO ⫘⫘⫘⫘

I encountered the ongoing investigation between the sheriff, woodsman, and a "service" provider named Faith.

The woman was there solely to retrieve pocket change the woodsman stole. For her pimp. Conclusion; Faith had walked off with whatever sum Bigby gave her... nonetheless nothing too exciting. No immediate cause to worry.

A SILENT HOWL [Bigby/F!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now