Even Soldiers Have Troubles

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Warning: light nsfw below

One of the world’s best soldier, the commander of Blackwatch, lacks a lot of self-confidence? If anyone heard that statement, no one would believe it but those close to him knew that in the inside, he battled with himself at times. Gabriel knew that things like these shouldn’t be troubling him at all – since he’s a soldier and all - but he was simply human and there was no way to stop those kinds of thoughts to come across his mind from time to time. Heading back home, all of those wretched thoughts began to bother him and he couldn’t do anything to stop them. They slowly attacked him
and made him rethink his own life choices, even to the point of if you really did love him. In the inside, he knew you really did love him more than he could ever think of but these thoughts just wanted him to suffer.

Once he reached the door to home, Gabriel slowly opened the door with a drop of his shoulders. Looking at your ‘welcome home’ smile always lifted his spirits up a little but it barely had an effect today.

“Are you ok?” You softly asked with worry evident in your voice. He hated for you to see him so weak but he was glad that you were the one he could spill everything that bothered him. Trying to give a small smile your way, Gabriel began to walk towards you with caution.

“It’s those stupid worries of mine. I’m sorry.” The last thing he wanted to do tonight was to bother you again with his self-confidence issues. Why did he always have to be so weak, he asked himself. Gabriel saw as you slowly strolled to his side and guided him by his hand so he could sit in one of the living room’s chairs.

“You know I love you a lot, right?” You asked the male while your hands where on his shoulders.

“I know-”

“Did you know that I love you a lot because of how hard working you are?” You then began to place a kiss on his forehead. He softly hummed at your affection and brought his gaze down to his thighs in embarrassment.

“Did you know that I love you a lot because of how funny you are and the way you laugh at your own stupid jokes?” Gabriel felt as you tenderly
kissed one of his cheeks, earning a chuckle from the male, and a small blush started to develop on his scarred cheeks. Your feathery kisses were simply medicine for him and he could feel how his worries started to wash away from his mind. You were his safe haven, one that he loved returning to every day. While he contemplated at this feeling of safety, he was slow to notice that you had sat on top of him with your legs hanging by his thighs. You placed your arms around his shoulders and brought your lips close to his, almost to the point of touching.

“And did you know that I love you a lot… because of how handsome and hot you are?” Hearing you softly whisper this snapped him out of his trance and circled your waist with his arms, bringing you closer to his body. Gabriel was the one to close the space between your lips. The kiss was full of love and appreciation until he decided to nibble at your lip hungrily. Because of your soft whimpers, the bulge inside his pants began to poke at your most sensitive area, making you whine with pleasure at the sudden pressure. Before it could get more heated, Gabriel let go of your lip and smiled at you as he deeply gazed into your eyes.

“Thank you for everything, amor. I don’t know what I would do without you.” He took his hands so they would be on your hips and squeezed them a little. You whined a little at this and proceeded to whisper into his ear.

“Why don’t we continue this somewhere else so that I can give you more reasons as to why I love you, hmm?”

Gabriel was more than excited - in more ways than one - to listen to your many more reasons. 

Reaper/Gabriel Reyes x readerWhere stories live. Discover now