Fallen Soldier

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Warning: blood

"I'm down, Gabriel," you spoke through the man's ear piece.

"What do you mean you're down?" he spat back, unconvinced of what he was hearing.

"E-Exactly what it means, Gabriel. I'm down." There was some silence between the two of you until he heard you let out a shaky exhale. "I-I was ambushed."

Adrenaline began to take over his whole body. You were one of the best snipers in the squad; how was it even possible for you to be ambushed? A variety of scenarios began to run inside his head, the possibilities of why you hadn't picked up earlier on your attacker. Had you been too distracted to notice them? Was this enemy more skilled than he had hoped for? Did-

"Gabriel? Do you copy, G-Gabriel?" At the sound of your voice, he let out a breath that he had been holding for some unknown time and as if time flowed slower than usual, the man clicked the button on his ear piece once again.

"Yes... I'm coming."

Thankfully, he knew where you were, otherwise it would have taken him hours to find where you were stationed. Once at the entrance of the specific building, he gave the top level a look and began to make his way up the stairs.

With his gun in hand, Gabriel cautiously made his way up. There was no way to know if there was more of the enemy in the building but judging by the heavy silence that took over the place, it seemed to be more isolated than anything else. Despite the stillness in there, Gabriel was ready for anything.

As he got closer to where you were, the heavy panting bouncing off the walls began to grow more noticeable in his ears, making him to slowly lower his gun as a result. He picked up on his pace and once his eyes took over your figure on the dusty ground of the room, his brown eyes widened in astonishment.  

A huge patch of fresh blood took over the left side of your abdomen, while your left arm was drenched in blood from a huge gash.

Gabriel had been mentally prepared for a sight like this during his trainee days - everyone in his crew had been but... why was he frozen on his spot right now? Why?

A grunt from you filled his ears and the man stared at the attempted smirk on your lips. "Took your s-sweet time, didn't you?"

With a heavy shook of his head, Gabriel ran and kneeled next to you, further inspecting your wounds. He couldn't deny that they looked worse up close and he grimaced at the sight. So much worse.

Gabriel cursed at himself for not having any kind of bandages - no medics had been sent along with his crew since the mission had been stated as a "risk free" mission - and he could only curse once again. Without a second thought, he ripped a piece from his grey, military uniform and began to wrap it around your injured arm.

Your small whimpers and grunts were agonizing to him, even the small trail of tears that flowed down your cheeks made his heart clench inside his cheat. His hands, now covered in your own blood, was a sight that would now be engraved in his mind for who knows how long, but he could only wipe them down the side of his pants and push away the thought. The red stains would be hard to get rid of if he let it remain there for too long, but that didn't matter.

Ripping another piece from his shirt, Gabriel's hands made his way to your wounded side and carefully applied some pressure. Your body flinched at the action and the man took a hold of your right hand in a tight grip, hoping that this would help in some way.

There was no other way to go around this and he knew that you understood this. Nonetheless, he wished he was the one with the injuries and not you.

The man just couldn't bear to see you in such a vulnerable state. Yes, he knew you were strong, and he had been witness of such strength of yours and Gabriel admired that about you. He also knew that you tried your best not to show your weaknesses during training and in the battlefield, but sometimes even our own walls crumble with enough force.

A few minutes later and the piece of cloth was already soaked in red; the injury was too big for such a small piece of bandage to even help. He had to take you out of here and return to base. Fast.

"I should have seen them w-when they were making their way h-here," you broke some of the silence in the room, a heavy strain in your voice. Gabriel only shook his head and only held on tighter to your hand.

"Be quiet," the man declared as he stared at your side. "You're too injured to even be speaking."

He heard as you scoffed at him. "Y-Yea, because I wasn't b-being careful-" That was enough.

Withdrawing his hand from yours, Gabriel took a hold of your face between his hands and gazed at your eyes that were barely open at this point. Had your face been covered with sweat and dirt the whole time?

"Listen, things like these happen and yes, you could have d-died but you're still alive and stop telling me why you failed," the man proclaimed and wiped the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs. "But now, we have to go."

Just looking at your tired eyes made a lump in his throat to form. Had you always had this kind of effect in him?

He saw as you lazily nodded at him and with a single knee on the ground, he placed an arm around your torso and under your knees.

"This is going to hurt," he warned, and you only breathed out a 'doesn't matter' at his direction. With a count of 3 inside his head, Gabriel lifted you from the bloodied ground. Once again, you winced at the pain and the man carefully shifted you in a comfortable - if it could even be called that - position.

Gabriel gave your face a last look and relaxed a bit as he felt you place your head against his shoulder. Now, he had to make way back to the ship that was waiting for him and you.

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