Back to School

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I'm going to skip ahead to when they go back to school.
Alan's alarm clock went off, he woke up to a soaked diaper. "Oh no, we have school!" Their grandma walked in. "Good news," "Wait! Harris and I are dependent on diapers. So bad idea to take us off." "I wasn't done. I have good news and bad news. The good news, you guys are transferring schools. Bad news, your parents plane crashed on the way back, and yours left you." Alan and Harris cried. They got ready for school, or tried to. "Grandma, where's my school clothes?" "Right here." She said as she pulled out a onesie. "Ok." They got in the car and left for school. They were driving towards the school district. They past both middle schools. "Where are we-" Harris tried to say. "A day care." "Of course." They went there and saw every old class mate from gradeschool. "Hold on there little tikes." A worker stopped them. "You need the shot." She instantly jabbed them with a three inch long needle. "Is everyone here?" She asked. Yes! "Good, nap time." Thank God, I am tired. Everyone fell asleep. When they woke up 3 hours later, Alan saw a class of babies. Oh no! What happened! Alan thought. I don't know, your the smart one! Who am I speaking with? Charleston! Hello? Who is this? It's me Harris! So we're all here? I guess. What happened? That shot must have been a regression formula. After they figured everything out, they continued with there day. At 1:00 pm they watched sesame street. Alan peed 5 times and pooped 2 times out of fear. Everyone was terrified of the marsions.
Here's what they look like if you don't know who they are.

They all were coloring, then all of a sudden, the marsions broke threw the roof! They ate everyone except Alan, he was hiding. They found him and tossed him across the town. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Alan woke up. Phew, it was just a dream. "Alan! Get packed up, your going to your grandma's for the summer." "What, I was just there. And I thought my parents died." He looked around and saw that he was in his own room. He packed for his grandma's unprepared for what was about to happen. He got there and the hole thing happened all over again, except the regression and giant marsions. Everything worked out just fine.

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