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We stand together
Hand in hand looking at the cars
We hold each other
The wind making our eyes dry
For we no longer have to cry

It's dark and the stars are gleaming
The sun sleeps soundly
The moon is looking at us beaming
It's not cold in each other's arms

It's a long way up
But we'll make it
The moon's spotlight tells us so
The cars, the noise, the lights
It's nothing anymore.

Hand in Hand
But with arms wide open
We can hear a whisper
The moonlight's call

And that was all we needed
Embracing each other
Face to face
We fall

It's only a few seconds
But it feels like forever
We can hear the frantic screams
Of the cruel people
Who did nothing to save us

It's our final look
Our final hug
Our final kiss
Our final moment

And then it ends with black
But we could feel the rain
Just for a moment

Then we were looking down
From the moon
Watching the world we were once of
Spin on its demented axis

As we said goodbye
And spread our wing
For freedom.


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