Blue eyed irken girl

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there are a bunch of different legions of different tails but there one that no one heard it before.

this is.

the legion of the blue eyed irken.

it was 1000 B.C Egyptian, The first tallest where watching the worker and slave making the pyramid of irk Egypt, the first tallest that was watching the workers and slaves,name was, rojo and he has a husband named púrpura. who was 7 months pregnant with their baby.

*rojo walking around making sure everything is working*

rojo: OK men your doing a great keep working

*smiles and sees púrpura holding his belly and walking towards him*

púrpura: hey honey having fun working *giggles*

rojo: *walks up to him and kisses him softly on the lips* I only have fun when I'm with you *smirks*

*púrpura smiles and sitz down on a chair and holds his belly*

púrpura: oof! this baby is killing me *giggles*

rojo: I bet sugar butt

púrpura: *smiles and kisses rojo*

*2 months later púrpura is 9 month pregnant and fanning him self*

púrpura: ugh is it me or did it get more hot out ugh

rojo: *snaps his fingers* servants! help púrpura cool down NOW!!

servant: *runs to púrpura and starts to fans him with huge feathers* y-yes my tallest

rojo: and where that hell is the new what boy!?

*a small little alien not and irken or vortian but a new kinda of species with no legs but a tail cover in a mixture of hair,feathers and fur crawls up to púrpura shyly*

nid: h-here I am I'm sorry I'm a bit slow I don't have let's yet

rojo: oh yeah your that new alien that my brother azul discovered what are you called again

nid: ums,


monster like.


rojo: ah yes.

nid: *hand the water to púrpura*

púrpura: thank you sweet Hart

nid: *blushes and bows and crawls away*

its a cold night and there's a storm clouds around and blue lighting striking around everyone is sleeping but not nid he's wide awake looking at the cloud's and watching them but nid notice some bright light coming from the cloud's, the clouds started to shift the thunder start to rawr and get louder and blue lighting start to get brighter suddenly a flash of blue opens up Between the clouds and pointed at the castle, nid was shocked and scared of what's happening right now suddenly he notice that some one is floating from the castle balcony... then remember the look of the person...the nids eyes got more wider he realized that it tallest púrpura, nid not knowing what to do started panicking

nid: what do I do what do I do!!!

*nid also notice that the tallest is just floating and not moving at all the nid knows what to do know, nid ran in front of the castle and screamed*


when he screamed he waked up the entire village and the castle in it

the blue eyed' irken girlWhere stories live. Discover now