Dream coming true.

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     Nur's P.O.V.

"ahhh we are finally on the air- plane" I said to my bestfriend Aury and smiled.

"your dream is coming true darling yeyy" said aury and huged me and I hugged her back and laughed.

"lets check our backpacks, mine's is a mess" I said to her.

We started to controll our backpacks and suddenly a man set next to me, well I didn't care and went trough my stuff.


OH, I didn't introduce me.

I'm Nur, I'm a 18 year old turkish girl who lives in germany.

I'm also a youtube -vlogger.

I love korea especially food, music, tv-shows and dramas.

I love Infinite.

I also learned Korean because of that and I made also good friends from Korea.

If I would say I'm not known it wouldn't be true. I have fans all over the world and I'm proud because I worked hard.

My best friend is Aury. And now we are on a plane going to Korea, it's gonna be fun.


"ipad- check, phone-check, wallet and my documents (passports and all the stuff) check, earpods- check, my drawing book and pencils-check, snacks-check" but I felt that I forgot something but what could it be?

After checking our backpacks aury decided to sleep because it was early in the morning and the flight is gonna be soo long.

I decided to continue drawing a little bit.

I draw a hamster body and then I sticked a sticker from Sunggyus head on it.


Hoyas P.O.V.

I sat next to 2 girls on the airplane and I was happy because they weren't paying attention to me.

Thats gonna be a quite flight I thought. I didn't wanted to pay attention to them but I couldn't resist and looked at them.

They weren't korean so they probably don't know Infinite. Thats good.

I looked at the girl next to me.

She was concentraded because she was drawing something.

I was wrong.

She knew us because she was drawed our Leader with a hamster body. I chuckled and I hoped she didn't heared me.

I looked down and I felt that she is looking at me.

Thats not good.

she said "oh my god!"


Ok guys I know I sucked at this chapter but I wanted to keep it real.

I didn't wanted to make like other storys and make them a couple at the first chapter and it's not about Hoya, it's a story about L./myungsoo.  Sorry for mistakes because I'm not english....

Whatever thank you for reading this and please comment your opinions.

THANKS a lot ♥

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