To Be Alone (1/2)

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Part One

        The water flow was steady and gentle, the surrounding insects buzzed and sang kind songs as they flew against a cool breeze that carefully lashed across the land, blowing young Marr's hair over her shoulder.

She hunkered down to the edge of the creek, dipping the tips of her fingers into the cold and clear water, then cupping both hands under, bringing up the handful of water and splashing it upon her face. A surprising shock shot throughout her body as the biting cold water slapped against her soft skin. She took in a deep breath, letting her eyes drift upwards, then released with a satisfying sigh, smiling to the dim stars that shone above, reflecting off the fluent current.

She tucked her head between her shoulders as the frigid breeze encased her, sending shivers across her body and leaving small bumps which made the hairs on her arms stand in shock.

She finally stood, her figure tall and fit. She was no longer a child, but a young lady now, curved and billowed like the ocean.

She gently brushed her hair behind her ear as she turned from the creek and to the colorful woods where glowing insects flew carelessly by, and she delved deep into the thicket until finally reaching its end and finding the city she called home: the city of Kthenia and the capital of the planet, where all the royals and celebrities lived, also where her father stayed in the grand castle as the overseer of the entirety of the planet Arkas.

Marr was named after the beautiful but overpopulated city, taking its name to be her surname with the passing of her mother during childbirth.

But as she reached the edge of the woods and wandered carefully across the busy street and into the soft lush grass of a park just across the castle, she took notice of the medical transportation trucks hovering outside as men and women rushed out in uniform through the large doors inside. Her eyes flickered around as she took in her surroundings, people standing idly by as they stared in question, whispering to one another as they also watched from afar. Her brows kneaded together in confusion as she finally began to walk, one step at a time as questions drowned her mind. She finally stepped through the front doors and entered the large hallway which lead to a set of split stairs leading to the second floor where most of the offices and business rooms were.

She looked to the left as the medical transportees piled into the elevator which quickly shot them up to the second floor. She followed, taking the stairs instead, rushing up them thinking maybe an employee or maid had an accident. But that one dwindling question stayed deep in the back of her head, Marr refusing to take it into consideration, deeming it to be impossible, that there was no way it could be true.

She continued down the long white hallway with holographic posters and ads on the wall, mostly of her father, and finally came to an abrupt halt as she watched from the distance as the men and women in uniform bursted through the glass doors at the end of the hallway. She only caught a quick glimpse as one of the employees, an old lady who worked as her father's assistant, rushed out, tears covering her face. A glimpse of her father, his body stiff on the floor. The old lady became aware of Marr's presence as she stood with an expressionless face, unable to accept that what she thought was impossible had happened.

The lady wearing tight white leather pants and a suit jacket trimmed with pink LED lights on the collar quickly walked to Marr, trying her best to hold back the waterfall behind her eyes. She placed her aged hand softly against her face, attempting to turn Marr's attention to her but she continued to stare without emotion. But finally Marr's eyes met with the lady's, and her nostrils began to flare as she saw the glow in her irises and the puffy redness, and she herself couldn't hold back the barrage of tears. "Your father has had a heart attack," the words were muffled and echoed as the lady spoke, Marr beginning to grow lightheaded as she turned back in the direction of her father.

"He's no longer with us."

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