Jc Caylen (cute)

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It was nearly 3 in the morning and I decided that I should try to fall asleep. I turned off my light and got under my covers. I put my phone on my nightstand and put my head down on my pillow. My phone buzzed and lit up.

It was from Jc. You and Jc have been going out for almost a year now, technically today was your 1 year annaversary, considering it was 3 am. 

I picked up my phone and unlocked it. 

Jc: Look out your window ;)

You: Should I be scared? 

Jc: Maybe

With that, I looked out the window, and saw Jc standing outside with a box of chocolate, a huge pizza, and flowers. I ran downstairs and unlocked the door. Both of my parents are really heavy sleepers, so it was all good. "Oh my god! Jc, why are you here?" I asked kind of suprised. "Do you not want me to be?" Jc said. "No, no, no. That's not what I meant. Im glad your here." I said back with a smile. "Come inside" I added.

Jc walked inside and he shut the door behind him. "Here we can go upstairs if you want?" I asked. "Yeah sure" Jc smiled. I started to make my way torwards the staircase and as I was walking up I felt someone squeeze my butt. "Jc!" I yelled, but in a hushed voice "Not right now. Trust me, youll get that later" I said with a wink. Jc's face turned bright red as he followed me up the stairs. 

We got into my room and sat down on the bed. Jc opened up the pizza box and we both took a slice. "Happy annaversary (Y/N)" Jc smiled. "Happy anaversary Jc, I love you" I blushed. "I love you more" Jc said with a wink. I started blushing like crazy, Jc just stared at me. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked. "Because your beautiful" Jc half smiled, half smirked. I started laughing at his "Fault In Our Stars" refferene. 

Jc knows that I am obsessed with The Fault In Our Stars, so he laughed along. After we finished the pizza, we went downstairs to watch a movie. Jc insisted of a horor film, even though he knows I hate them and they scare me. "I hate you with a passion" I frowned. "I love you with a passion" Jc smirked. Jc walked over to me and I stood up from the couch. 

He put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Even though Jc was short, I was shorter. I looked up at him and the biggest smirk rolled across his face. He leaned in to kiss me but i moved my head away at the last possible second. "You get no kisses because your making me watch a scary movie!" I said as I crossed my arms and pouted. Jc started running towards me.

I ran around the counter and into the kitchen. I went to the drawer and pulled out a hand towel for the kitchen sink. Jc came up from beind me and spun me around. I playfully hit him with the kitchen towel and he pretended to be hurt. He touched his "wound" and winced at the "pain". I tried not to laugh at him, but it didn't work. I lost my shit. Jc picked me up and I started laughing even harder. He put me down on the couch and put in the movie. 

"I don't like scary movies Jc, you know that. Why do you do this to me?" I ask him, frowning. "Its an excuse for me to cuddle with you, and I think its cute when you get scared" Jc said with a smile. "Okay but if I get too scared then you have to promise to sleep with me tonight?" I ask. "Well shit then let me pick something scarier" Jc said and quickly tried to find a scarier movie. I pouted and crossed my arms. "Aw c'mon babe. For me?" Jc asked with a smirk forming across his lips. Oh, how I wanted to kiss those lips..

Jc finally picked out a scarier movie, The Conjuring. I have heard about that movie. All of my friends have been begging me to see it for a while now. "You ready?" Jc asked. "Not really" I whispered as I grabbed a  blanket and a pillow that was on the floor. "Ah, ah, ah. Nuh uh. No way im letting you use a pillow" Jc said as he shook his head. "Why not? Im going to need something to hide in" I laughed as I tried to take the pillow away from Jc, but he moved it away too fast. "No, thats why im here" Jc winked and threw the pillow on the floor. 

I rolled my eyes and laughed. I laid down and put my head on Jc's lap and he hit the play button. 

It was barley half way through the movie and I was already scared to death. "Jc" I whispered. "Yeah?" Jc said, sounding tired. "I dont think im going to be able to make it through this movie" I said as I sat up from Jc's lap. Jc paused the movie and stared at me for a few seconds, and smiled. "Well looks like its my lucky day" he smirked as he picked me off of the couch and carried me upstairs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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