I woke up to screaming and yelling. I swear this place drives me insane hahaha. I turned over to my the lamp were my daily medication was laid out by my doctor. I take all five pills then slowly get out of bed. I notice that while I was asleep they changed the notes on the small white bored in the corner. I laughed as I read it said "serenity madrid. age 15. diagnoses unknown. highly dangerous. suffering INSANITY" I'm not gonna lie and rant about how I'm not insane but I swear there pills are making it worse. I see things illusions and hear voices. that is why no one visits me ever because a month ago before I came here I killed my mother and father so the voices wouldn't kill me. I have siblings two brothers and a sister my eldest brother once called but the voices don't like anyone so I stay alone. I wish I had someone to turn to but the voices don't like outsiders. But today I learned I will be moved to a place specially made for my kind of people. An asylum for the CRIMINALLY INSANE.
asylum 666
Science FictionThere is a place kept more secret than area 51. The secrets hidden behind steel walls. Its hell on Earth it is said the devil speaks to the "patients". Can its truths be revealed before I too go far more insane than I already am. Because I too was s...