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Shade's pov

My name is shade
It's been a whole year since my uncle
Kai has been dead I miss him and
One day, I will find the person who did that to him, and I live in with my aunt Lucy, it's been 6 mouths
Since I got these spider powers, I been
Practicing to became a hero for new York City and the name I chosen is to became spider-Man, I go to this high school with my friends thunder and Ashley, my friend thunder has a Crush
On Ashley, and this awesome thing
I got to fight with the avengers but we had to fight captain American
And also Mr . Stark has made me a new suit, some of captain America team are in prison and some has disappeared they are some where in the whole world and I am waiting for my next assignment from Mr. Stark

(At the apartment)

(Shade's pov)

Shade: bye aunt Lucy I'm off to school
To meet my friends there

Aunt Lucy: bye sweetie see you later

On the to school I see my friend thunder

Shade: oh hey thunder how have you been doing

Thunder: oh hey shade good how are you, so have you been on any missions with the avengers yet

(Oh yeah forgot to tell you guys about
A week ago thunder knows I'm
Spiderman and I trust him not to tell no one)

Shade: no not yet I still waiting for them to call me for a mission, oh look
I can see Ashley

Ashley: oh hey shade hi thunder, how are you guys doing

Thunder: *blushes* oh hey Ashley

Ashley: oh thunder are you all right
Are you sick

Thunder: I find I'm not sick

Shade:come on we'll be late class, see you guys after school

Thunder and Ashley: are right see you later shade

(After school)

Shade: we'll see you guys tomorrow
Oh thunder you want to come to my
Apartment to play games.

Thunder: sure, well bye Ashley see
You tomorrow.

Ashley; bye guys see you tomorrow

On the way to the apartment

Thunder: uh shade do you know who's car is that

Shade: wait that can't be he's here

Thunder: who's here

Shade: come on
*Went in side to check that he's

Thunder: wait for me
*Also went in side*

Shade: hey Aunt lucy do you know
Whose car that is outside

Aunt Lucy: yes he said he wants to
See you

???: Glad to see you kid

Shade: Mr.Stark what are you

Mr Stark: I have two reasons, I'm here for you to join The avengers kid, who's your friend

Thunder: I thunder nice to meet you
Mr Stark I'm a big fan

Mr Stark: nice to meet you thunder,
Wait shade how much people did
You tell .

Shade: the only people I told that I'm Spider-Man are thunder and Aunt Lucy

Mr Stark: ok the other reason is for you To come live at avengers HQ

Everyone was shock

Shade: for real I get to live there

Mr Stark: yep but asked your aunt

Shade: can I aunt Lucy I will do my best there

Aunt Lucy: if you'll be safe and not
Get hurt

Shade:wait about school and my friends

Thunder: Don't worry about us
You go be the hero that well become
A avenger

Aunt Lucy:if your uncle
We're here he would be proud

Shade:so when do we leave

Mr Stark: tomorrow morning
Pack all your stuff and stay
goodbye to your friends

Shade: but...
*Was cut off *

Mr stark: don't worry you can
Video Chatham......we'll see
You tomorrow morning bye
*Left the room*

Thunder: well I think I need to go home I we'll be here when you leave
Bye. I well tell Ashley that your leaving ok *left the room*

Shade: well I going to pack my stuff
Can I have some help

Aunt Lucy: sure i help you I going to
Miss you when you leave tomorrow
*Crying a little*

Shade: don't worry aunt Lucy I will
Visit sometime

Later at night

Shade: can't believe it this is my last night sleeping here I will miss thunder and Ashley and I miss Aunt Lucy

Well that's all for today
Lets see what happens next chapter
Well i hope you guys like this

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