My First OC

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Name: Aleena Jade
Nickname: Ally, Ally-bear, Princess
Age: 17-22 it varies
Gender: Actually both... Aleena can turn into both genders at anytime. As a male imagine Aleena but without breasts XD hair doesn't change. Even as male, Aleena dresses feminine like.
Sexuality: Likes both due to being both genders but mostly leans more to males.

Personality: At first she/he's shy and doesn't trust you due to her/his past but once Aleena allows you to be closer friends then you'll see how adventurous and childish she/he really is. Aleena is very kind and caring and always tries to make people happy no matter what.

Likes: Candy, sweets, sleep, singing, dancing, drawing, trapeze/gymnastics, and rain.

Dislikes: Vegetables (even tho she/he still eats salad), bullies, playboys (even tho falls for one all the time), homework, being ignored, loud noises.

Fears: Fire, large crowds, being alone/abandonment.

Abilities: Changing between genders, hypnotizing people

Turn ons: Being put into littlespace (Now let me explain this. Aleena is into ddlg/lb where the relationship is between two consenting adults. One is the little and the other is the caregiver. Because of the nurturing and caring nature of the caregiver (also known as cg) the little will call him/her daddy or mommy. Littlespace is a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety. It may be a developed time in which an adult relives childhood memories, scenarios, or desires that were unachievable in their adolescence. An adult in littlespace may involve another adult referred to as a caregiver, engage in activities viewed as childish, and some may even participate in adult sexual interaction but some may not. This ISN'T always sexual. In Aleena's case, her/his childhood has some dark spots that need to be lightened up with a caring and nurturing figure.), being dominated by partner.

Turn offs: being used for body and... yeah that's pretty much it XD

Background info/Past: Aleena was born with a not so perfect family. Mother was a drug addict, father was sleeping with other women, older brother was trying to help Aleena cope with the family complications. Mother had too much to drink one night due to father being gone for two weeks. She killed father from being cheated on and saying it was too much. By age 6, Aleena and her/his brother were kidnapped but both escaped and were lost and living on the streets. A fire had happened and killed Aleena's brother which is why Aleena fears fire. For a few years Aleena was able to survive on the streets before being kidnapped again.
TRIGGER WARNING! Mentions not so friendly stuff....
Aleena was sold into sex trafficking and was bought by her/his own great uncle. By age 12 Aleena was able to escape and tell the police. Police sentenced Aleena's great uncle for life in prison. Aleena was adopted by a cop named Caden after learning Aleena's mother committed suicide. Aleena suffered from bipolar depression, anxiety, and night terrors and was abusive until age of 16. By then everything got better for her/him.

And I'm being detailed because I'm writing a book about Aleena and other OC's so everything is well thought out.

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