~Chapter Nine~

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Chapter Nine: Sleeping
Hailey's POV

For the rest of the night the seven of us watched all the movies that Bella had brought for us to watch, while we ate the food that Iris, Emily, Jade, Megan and I had brought as well as painting our nails with the varnish that Harriet had brought with her.

We talked about everything that came to mind, but mostly the massive thing that all seven of us were going through. I was the first one to say that I'm pregnant, then everyone else did except Megan, since she hadn't taken a test just yet. Without thinking I run to the store and buy her two tests so that we could do it while she was with us.

Megan told us no, as she wanted to do it when her partner, Elliot Murphy, was with her. But since she wasn't, she wanted to wait until tomorrow when both of them are at their house. I agreed with her and told her to put the tests into her bag so that she already has them.

For the rest of the night we just watched the rest of the movies, Bella had brought, the last ones being all Toy Story movies, I could basically say the movies word for word. It was like a tradition to watch them before going to sleep.

We said our goodnights before getting into bed.

I get woken up when I hear a noise coming from downstairs, looking at the clock it was 4am. I sit up, and walk to the top of the stairs. Not seeing anything I walk down and follow the noise. I walk into the kitchen, seeing Dylan eating some toast. "Dylan?" I ask, looking at his messy attire, his hair being everywhere.

"Hailey!" He says loudly, and holding onto the 'e'. It sounded as if he was drunk, not that I have ever seen him like it, but he wasn't being himself.

"Where were you?" I whisper shout at him, he said he was going to sleep over at home if it ended up being late.

"After we finished working we went out for some drinks to celebrate." He says a lazy smile on his lips.

Sighing at him, I make him drink as much water as I could before he fell asleep on the couch. Grabbing a blanket, I place it over his body. And just as I was going to go back up the stairs to bed, he grabs hold of my arm. "Stay with me, please" He says, and doesn't let go. I pull the cover back a little and lay down with him, his breathing becoming softer as he drifts off to sleep.

"Aww look how cute they look!" A voice says, it sounds as if it was coming not too far away from me.

"Quick take a picture!" Another voice speaks up, and then a click goes off suggesting that they were now taking pictures of god knows what.

"Come on guys leave them alone" A smaller voice says, making the others sigh but also I hear footsteps as if they were going away. Sighing I slowly open my eyes, and attempt to move, but I get pulled closer. I look behind me to see Dylan fast asleep, he had pulled me closer and was now cuddling me against my back. Pulling the blanket back over us, I attempt to fall back asleep since I wouldn't be able to get up if I tried.

I wake up to the sound of laughing, pushing the blanket off of me, I stand up. I also notice that Dylan had left me sleeping and was now awake and somewhere in the house. Following the laughter I was back in the kitchen, seeing that the girls were sat at the breakfast bar while Dylan was cooking something.

Smelling whatever he was cooking, made me feel as if I were going to be sick, I quickly run to the toilet and through up all the contents of my stomach, all the food from last night, the pizza I ordered into our second movie, Finding Nemo.

Going back into the kitchen after washing my mouth as well as my hands and flushing the toilet, I notice that they all had seen me running to the bathroom. "You alright Hay?" Jade asks me, concern covering her face.

"I'm alright, I just felt sick at the smell." They all nod at my response but Jade walks over and pull me into a hug. She knew that I hated being sick as it made me remember what the queen bitch made me do in freshmen year, her being a senior. The queen bee had made me be sick after eating any foods that I ate, telling me that I was fat, and she still told me that I were even after going down two dress sizes, I used to wear a four, but then went down to a zero.

After she pulled away, she told me it was I had begun the morning sickness, which won't go away until later on into my pregnancy. Jade said that I would have morning sickness until I turn at least 10 weeks, the ninth week being the worst. Well apparently, according to the website she was reading.

"Hailey? You sure you're okay?" Dylan asks as I walk to the sink to get a glass of water. I nod and try and show him a small smile, but it didn't work as he also pulled me into a hug. The hug almost calmed me, and I hugged him back, the smell of him making me actually smile

"Hay, I need to get back, Carter is waiting for me." I nod at Jade, giving her a hug before she leaves.

Soon after, Dylan and I are left alone. "I forgot to tell you that the builder is doing his job in five minutes." I nod, and smile, I just couldn't wait to sit by a fire like I usually did.

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