Daddy's Little Creation

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Daddy's Little Creation

Teddy Keller in her usual dark blue uniform is standing in front of an old, wooden door in an apartment complex, knocking on the door. The apartment complex is barely standing up but its still capable of holding multiple drug dealers and the common just-got-out-of-prison goers. It probably only costs about two-hundred dollars to live in one of these apartments or less considering the look of this place.

A large man with dark jet-black hair and forest green eyes appears when the heavy, dark brown door opens just enough for his body to fit through the opening. The muscular man looks down upon Teddy with a look so intense that if looks could kill, she'd be dead already.

"Trek Colt?" Teddy speaks with a hardened voice.

"What do you want?" Trek speaks through his teeth which are gritted together.

"Can I come in? We need to have a little chat." Teddy speaks with an amused but sturdy voice.

"No!" Trek stated.

"Too bad, I don't take no for an answer." Teddy said as she reaches up and sticks a needle into his neck and pushes down on the syringe.

About two hours later, Teddy is standing over a wide-awake Trek that's wrapped down onto a table with saran wrap holding a knife and an amused smile.

Two questions are flowing through your mind right now. Who is Teddy Keller and why is she standing over Trek with a knife? Well, lets go back in time to when she was born.


On a Saturday night in October, 1987, a young girl named Teddy Keller was born but the day was also the death date of her mother, Sandra. Sandra had died giving birth to Teddy. Teddy's father, Kade blamed her for his wife's passing. As Teddy was first set into Kade's arms he felt this hatred towards her. He felt that she was the cause of his wife's death. He also felt that she wasn't worth the hassle of seeing everything him and his wife could've shared so he almost killed Teddy that night. Just as he was inches from her neck with open scissors he remembered that the child was the only thing left of his wife so thats when he formed a plan in his mind. A plan, he created the night Teddy was born.

Kade started his plan right away. The day after his wife died and Teddy was born. He destroyed the baby room that was planned out for Teddy. The room was left in a devastated condition and Kade didn't plan on cleaning up either instead he decided to add to the chaos in the room. He stood holding plywood up to the windows, while furiously hammering the rusty nails in which didn't allow sunlight to seep into the room. He also violently smeared red paint, made handprints, and splatters on the walls which gave the impression that a bloody murder had just taken place. He'd hold charcoal in his right hand, rapidly drawing skulls and grim reapers to finish the work of art on the drywall canvas. He knelt down on the wooden floor with carving tools creating multiple hateful words like, 'death', 'blood', 'die', and 'go to hell'. Her room resembled a horrible crime scene once he was done.

To raise a happy child, you usually show them love and compassion but Kade refused the baby girl to have either of them. Compassion was tougher for him to withhold. As the young girl cried, he would not intervene even when he wanted her to be quiet. The screaming would last for hours but he still wouldn't intervene. He would just hold his hands over his ears. Eventually, Teddy's throat would become inflamed and she would stop her cries. The following day she learned that she would have to limit the amount of time she used her vocal cords.

Love may not have been part of Kade's plan but he did supply Teddy with the basic essentials; he fed her at least once a day and when she started to smell bad, he cleaned her. He talked to her but not how a normal parent would talk to their infant. He didn't give her a name. He simply just called her 'Hey', 'You', or 'It'. Sometimes, it was all three.

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