Welcome to my blog everyone! I just thought you guys deserve a real update on my life, and Instagram certainly isn't the right place to do that. As some of you saw on my IG, I just started modeling again. And I really worked my ass off to be able to do that. I'm gonna be honest with you, I really don't feel comfortable in my body after I give birth. Then I exercise all the gained weight away until I'm satisfied with myself again, because that's when I will model again. And I love my job so I use that as my motivation.
I'm not saying everyone should do this, but I do say that everyone should be comfortable in their body and this works for me.Ryder and Amelia has really been angels these first 5 months. Sure, gray and I haven't gotten any sleep but that's a part of parenting. I don't mind it, because I know it all will be worth it. Having kids is a weird experience, they change your life so much but you don't mind because you love them so much. Even though you might think that you're not ready for kids, but the parenting will come naturally when you get kids. It's just something we subconsciously know and therefore do.
Speaking of kids-their names! I've gotten so many questions about why I have named my children and thought now would be a good time to answer. First up, Claire Reese Dolan. Claire is actually my great great grandmother's name and I have always loved it. Even though I have never met her, I've heard so many great things about her. Claire has been my favorite name since I was a little girl and the fact that I've been able to name my first born just that was amazing. As I have mentioned earlier in one of my Instagram posts, Reese was Cameron's suggestion and Gray and I just fell in love with it.
Next up, Amelia Lisa Dolan. I said that Grayson got to choose our second daughter's name, since I practically got to name Claire. As soon as he mentioned the name Amelia it just felt right, so we went with it. Sometimes we call her 'Lia' for short. Lisa is Grayson's mother that we wanted to tribute.
Lastly, Ryder Alweo Dolan. Ryder is a name that we decided we wanted to name our second before we even got pregnant the second time, no matter if it would be boy or girl. And when our little boy came out, we could easily tell that he was a Ryder.
Alweo, what an uncommon name you may think. And you're right, but I'm totally in love with that name but Grayson wasn't feeling it, so I had to settle for the middle name.
I'll tell you guys though, one more boy and he'll be named Alweo ;)I now remember that I haven't talked about the childbirth yet! Some of my OGs might remember that Claire's delivery was a nightmare for me, well this one was the opposite. Sure, it still hurt like hell but this time everything went according to plan. One thing I know for sure is that if Grayson wouldn't be there beside it'd be a whole lot harder. Gray knows exactly what to say to push me through it and I love him just as much as I did day one.
My life in pictures:
Our not-so-small-anymore baby Claire playing with grandpa Sean ❤️ Sean and Lisa visited us here in LA a few weeks ago to meet their new grandchildren, which was very appreciated by all of us. Grayson and I got to have some time alone which is a rare thing these days. But alone time is one thing you have to give up by getting a child and I'm okay with that by now.