Chapter 5

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Hey guys I'm back from vacation.I hope you haven't missed me,Anyway let's get to the story.

Pre-concert and finally together.


Louis' P.O.V

I hope Rocky likes these Roses.

I knock on the door.

"Come in."I hear a voice say.

I open the door and see Rocky putting on her make up on.

I see her in a Dress with a leather jacket.

I start blushing.


Rocky's P.O.V

I notice my door open and see Louis blushing.

"Oh hey."I said putting my make up down.

"H-hey I brought you these, for you know good luck."Louis said holding the roses.

I get up from the chair and take the roses.

"Thanks Lou."I said kissing him on the cheek.

"No problem."He said blushing.

"Oh who are the roses for?"Accirrah asks.

"Oh um there for me."I answer.

"OOH there from Louis aren't they?"Kate asks.

"Yeah there from me."Louis answers.

"Girls your up."The guy said.

We walk out the trailer.

I kiss Louis on the cheek.


Harry's P.O.V

We walk into the crowd of the concert.

Of course Louis convinced us into coming to their pre-concert.

Zayn notices Louis walking towards us.

"Can we go now?"Niall asks.

"Mate do you wanna know how good these girls are?"Louis asks.

The lights go out in the stadium.

"Ugh fine we'll stay."Niall said.

The lights come on with the girls standing in four separate clear boxes.

"Oh wow that's how we should do our entrances."Zayn said.


The crowd starts screaming.


Accirrah's P.O.V


Rocky walks out on stage and starts singing.


"Rocky it's time for your solo."Lucas said handing her the guitar.

"Alright I won't mess up."Rocky said walking on stage.


Zayn's P.O.V

Rocky walks on stage and the crowd goes crazy.

"This song goes out to a very special person close to me."Rocky said.

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