Patton's P.O.V
I Woke Up And Stretched My Body.
"Another Happy Day With Me!"I Squealed.
I Went To My Closet And Got My Cartigan,Shirt,Pants And Socks!
I Poofed Into Them.
"Hmm...I Mean..Fans Did Have Me Cat Ears...And A Cat Tail...So..."I Smirked.
I Got The Cat Ears They Need To Be Clipped Into Your Hair So I Did Clip Them On.
I Just Poofed The Tail On!
I Looked In The Mirror.
"Purr-fect!"I Squealed.
I Went Out Of My Room Downstairs.
I Saw Roman Awake.
"Morning Kiddo!"I Smiled.
"Ah...Patton...Wearing Those?"Roman Smiled.
"I Got To Wear Them At Least Once!"I Laughed.
"PATTON!"A Voice Called.
"Gotta Go See Panic! At The Everywhere!"Roman Said.
"Yep...Probably...Oh Nevermind!"I Said.
I Quickly Went To Virgil's Room.
"Knock Knock!"I Shouted.
"Come In!"Virgil Said.
I Went In.
I Looked At Virge.
"I Have Real Cat Ears And A Tail!"Virgil Freaked Out.
"You're A Neko!"I Squealed.
"How?"Virgil Asked.
"Neko's Have Cat Ears And Tails..."I Said.
"Nobody Can See Me Like This!"Virgil Said.
"I'm Sure Roman Would Love To See You Like That!"I Smirked.
"How Did You Know?"Virgil Blushed.
"I'm You're Bestie!"I Laughed.Virgil's P.O.V
I Blushed.
"Kiddo...Just Go Downstairs And Eat Breakfast... You're Already Changed..."Patton Sighed.
"Fine.."I Groaned.
I Went Downstairs With Patton.
"Virge What Happened?"Logan Asked.
"I Woke Up Didn't Realize Anything Different Until I Changed And Looked Into The Mirror I Had Cat Ears And Tail..."I Sighed.
"Well You Keep On Hissing So Seems Pretty Reasonable To Be A Neko!"Logan Said.
I Hissed.
Roman Never Payed Attention...
"Hey Roman Give Me Breakfast Please?"I Asked.
"Ugh Okay!"Roman Sighed.
He Looked At Me.
"OMG!"Roman Squealed.
I Looked Confused.
"FLUFFY EARS!!!!"Roman Squeaked.
He Idmediatly Touch Them.
"I Don't Feel Comfortable You Touching Them!"I Growled.
Roman Blushed And Stopped.
"Sorry..."He Murmured.
I Smirked.
"Now Give Me My Breakfast!"I Said.
Roman Got My Breakfast And Gave It To Me.
I Sat Down Next To Logan.
"Do You Know Anything About This Neko Race?"Logan Asked.
"Well No...But You Could Search Something That You'd Want To Know Probably It'll Show Up!"I Shrugged.
I Started To Eat My Pancakes.
I Saw Logan Typing On His Laptop.
"You're More Human That Cat..."Logan Said.
I Checked My Paws Or Hands?
"Great Now I Have Claws..."I Sighed.
"Intriguing!"Logan Smiled.
He Looked At Them.
I Sighed.
Patton Was Smiling And Giggling.
Roman Was Humming?
"Hey Roman What's Wrong?"I Asked.
"Nothing!"Roman Growled.
"You Only Hum If You Need to Relax...So Somethings Bothering You..."I Said.
"None Of You're Buissness Hot Topic!"Roman Said With Sass!
I Rolled My Eyes And Ate The Rest Of My Pancakes.
"Logan Can You Stop Looked At My Claws?"I Asked.
"Oh Sure...Sorry I'm Just So Intrigued!"Logan Blushed.
"Yeah Yeah Nerd!"I Laughed.
I Went And Putted My Plate In The Sink.
Roman Was About To Do The Dishes.
"I'll Do Them Today..."I Said.
"Oh..Thanks?"Roman Said Confused.
"No Problem!"I Chuckled.
He Went Off And Sat Next To Logan.
I Did The Dishes Very Quickly.
"Ooh! You Also Need Someone To Brush You're Ears And Tail To Keep Them Fluffy!"Logan Squealed.
"I Can Do It!"Roman Squealed.
"Why You?"I Asked.
"I Brush Myself Every Hour!"Roman Smiled.
"Okay..."I Said.
"Whenever You Upset You Need To Play With Someone!"Logan Said.
"I'll Play With Virgil!"Patton Squealed.
"Neko's Always Have To Be Taken Care Of When It's Time For Bed..."Logan Said.
"We'll All Do That!"Logan Smiled.
"Morning Guys-"Thomas Started.
"YOU'RE A NEKO?!?!"Thomas Shouted.
"Don't Know How It Happened!"I Said.
"We're All Going To Take Care Of him At Certain Times!"Patton Smiled.
"Like In The Morning I Have To Brush His Tail And Ears!Like Exactly When He Wakes Up!"Roman Smiled.
"Play With Him Whenever He's Upset!"Patton Said.
"We All Take Care Of Him When It's Time For Bed!"Logan Exclaimed.
"Ah Okay...Well Since... Wait A. Minute This Isn't My Usual House!"Thomas Exclaimed.
"Our Imaginary House!"Roman Smiled.
"Can I Go Back To My Real House?"Thomas Asked.
I Poofed Him to His Real House.
"Well...Virgil Why Don't We Brush You Right Now?"Roman Asked.
"But!"I Groaned.
"No Buts!"Roman Squealed.
"Ughhh Fine!"I Growled.
Roman Got A Brush And Brushed My Ears First.
I Purred!
"Little Virgle Likes Getting Brushed!"Roman Smirked.
After He Finsihed Brushing my Ears For A Couple Of Minutes He Brushed My Tail.
"Stop Moving You're Tail! It's Tickling Me!"Roman Laughed.
"Patton Stop Taking Pictures!"I Said.
I Stopped Moving My Tail.
"That's A Good Kitty!"Roman Giggled.Roman's P.O.V
What Did I Say Kitty?
"I'm Not A Kitten!"Virgil Hissed
"Well You Act Like One!"I Growled.
Virgil Gasped.
He Walked Away.
I Poofed The Brush Away.
"You Guys Were Just Starting To Get Along!"Logan Sighed.
Patton Went Over And Played With Virgy...
I Sighed.
"Logan Private Talk?"I Asked.
"Sure Ro!"Logan Smiled.
I Poofed Us In My Room.
"I Think I May Like Virge!"I Exclaimed!
"That's Why You Were Getting Jealous When I Was Checking His Claws!"Logan Gasped.
"LO NO!"I Yelled.
He Ran Downstairs While I Chased Him!
"VIRGE!"Logan Yelled.
"What?"Virgil Asked.
"ROMAN-"Logan Started.
"NO! LOGAN!"I Growled.
Logan Pouted.
"No!"I Growled.
"It's Already Late..."Yawned Virgil.
"Time To Put You To Bed..."I Said.
I Carried Virgil Upstairs To His Room Because The Others Thought He Was Heavy But He's So Light!
The Boys Followed Me We Got To Virge's Room And I Putted Him In Bed.
"Now Roman You Handle It!"Patton Squealed.
He Shutted The Door And Locked It.
"HEY!!"I Yelled.
"You're Sleeping With Virgil!Neko's Always Needs To Have Someone Sleeping With Them!"Logan Shouted.
I Blushed.
I Sighed.
"Virgil Poof Into You're Pyjamas!"I Sighed.
He Actually Poofed Into Them.
I Poofed Into Mine.
"Cuddle Me..."Virgil Whined.
"WHAT!"I Yelled.
"Pwease..."Virgil Pleaded.
"I Never Signed Up Cuddling You!"I Blushed.
Virgil Glared At Me.
"Okay Fine! If Neko's Need To Be Cuddled Then Fine!"I Sighed.
I Went And Cuddled Virgil.
"Night Hot Topic!"I Said.
"Night Princey..."Virgil Yawned.Logan's P.O.V.
"It Never Said Neko's Had To Be Cuddled..."I Whispered.
"Virgil Loves Roman So He's Pretending..."Patton Whispered.
"Hehehehehhehe!"I Giggled.
Patton Giggled.
"Well Night Patton!"I Smiled.
"Nighty Night!"Patton Smiled.
We Both Went Into Our Rooms...
What A Day!To Be Continued...
In Love With A Neko|Prinxiety
Fanfiction(old book, bad grammar due to not knowing English very well back then and might be hard to read with how it's constructed :b) Virgil Is Thomas' Anxiety...Roman Is His Creativity Patton Is His Morality And Logan Is His Logical Side. Virgil Has Always...