Chapter 2 Joining The Club

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"Ganner~!" A familiar voice called out cheerfully before the owner of said voice threw their arms around me and pulled me into a tight embrace. "Good morning Mr. Backbone-of-the-Scouts! I'm so glad I found you!"

"H-Hanji, you see me everyday. You recruited me, remember?" I wheezed as I attempted to pull the brunette's arm away from my neck so I wouldn't die.

"And aren't you glad I did? You've got so much potential, even Erwin sees a lot in you! I can't wait to see where you take it, my friend! Ah, that's right! I need you to help me with an experiment! Fetch Moblit for me and meet me in the mess hall, 'kay? Thank you~!" Hanji exclaimed faster than I could form a response before running off, leaving me as dumbfounded as could be. I let a sigh escape my lips and a small smile spread on my face as I shook my head and left to find Moblit just as Hanji had asked. She sure is something else.


"Ganner... Hey, Ganner, wake up." Mikasa said as she gently shook me by my shoulder to wake me up. I slowly sat up and looked around a bit, my eyes widening when I realized I was in class.

"Crap! Was I caught?!" I asked in a loud whisper, sighing in relief when Mikasa shook her head.

"Come on, it's time for lunch." Eren called from the classroom door, Armin standing beside him with a rather thick blanket tossed over his head, as usual.

"Yeah, we're coming." I said as I slung my bag over my shoulder and followed Mikasa to the door. "You'll lend me the notes later, right?" I asked hopefully as we followed Eren and Armin down the hall on our way to the cafeteria.

"Sure, but you owe me one." She said calmly as a small, almost unnoticeable smile spread on her face as she spoke.

"Thanks!" I exclaimed as I clapped my hands together and grinned. I stuck around the trio once we got in the lunch line, my attention drifting off into space before a strange brunette came bursting into the cafeteria, chasing after a loud and panicked chicken.

"Oi, somebody catch that runaway chicken!" The brunette exclaimed as she stumbled around the cafeteria in a vain attempt to catch it. I raised an eyebrow in confusion as the chicken suddenly ran in my direction and jumped on my head. It must've found the top of my head comfortable since it immediately settled down and let out what sounded like a pleased sigh. If chickens can even sigh, that is.

"I think it likes you." Mikasa stated bluntly in her own way of teasing me.

"Oi, Sawney! You can't just jump on people like that! Though I guess I should thank you for calming him down." The brunette girl said casually as she smiled warmly and placed her hands on her hips. She seemed amused by this.

"Uh, you're welcome, I guess... May I ask why you have a chicken with you in the first place?" I asked as I took said bird off my head and handed it back to it's rightful owner.

"He's my test subject, obviously!"

"Test subject for what?" Eren asked, raising an eyebrow in the process.

"For science! I'm trying to find out if chickens are really related to dinosaurs or not!"

"That's an... interesting research topic, Hanji." I said, smiling awkwardly in an attempt to be polite.

"Huh? How'd you know my name?" Hanji asked, her eyes slightly widened in shock despite the more curious sparkle in them. I raised an eyebrow myself, confused by the fact that I couldn't recall the answer to that.

"I'm... not too sure myself. Maybe I heard someone say it?"

"Maybe, but I don't think anyone called my name while I was here... Oh well, I guess I should introduce myself properly, huh? I'm Hanji Zoe, year three. I'm in Mr. Smith's class. You're first years, right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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