Welcome Home, Mom!

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Home sweet home. I thought as I walked through the door of the mansion I live in. It's lively and peaceful, with big doors and long hallways and large bedrooms. So it's rather large. Well, I mean, it has to be. I live with seven forever teenage girls!

 You see, I'm the Devil, I rule over hell so I have to visit once a month for a week to see how my brother, Lucifer, is ruling in my place. I had just returned for my monthly week long trip and I couldn't be happier.

 I'm a lawyer. I know, it's a cliché. Dare Devil's a lawyer, basically, everyone would think I'm a lawyer because I'm a "bad person" and I'm "evil".

I'm actually a single mom of seven daughters that is the Queen of Hell. I'd like to think I'm not a bad person...

I was met by a chorus of "Welcome home, mom!" From my seven daughters in different parts of the house. Two from the kitchen, three from the living room, one from the staircase and one from an upstairs study. I put my shoes down with a sigh as I had been holding them by the loops. 

"Any complaints?" Alice asked me as she finished her descend from the stairs and turned to go into the living room. "I am so sick of going to Hell and finding my brother sleeping on the throne like he owns the place!" I said as I look off my dark red trench coat. "Do you have any idea how much paperwork he hadn't done? Do you realize that he left me to do it? Do you understand I still have the Thompson murder case still on my hands?" I asked no one, as I hung my trench coat. I was just ranting. 

Envidia came out of the kitchen with a nice hot cup of tea. "Thank you, Darling," I said. "No problem, mum." She said and walked into the living room. Then Candie came out of the kitchen with a slice of devils food cake on a small plate. "Thank you, Sweetie," I said. She grinned. "Anytime, Mama." She said and walked into the living room. 

I then realized something else. "And I had to do the running in heels, no less!" I exclaimed. "Why is it that women are stereotyped to wear heels to work?" I asked, again, to no one. "I know right!" I heard Gwen exclaim from the living room.

I walked into the same room where most of my daughters were watching Z Nation. "Shut up!" Gwen exclaimed, "10K's talking." She pointed out and I took a seat on the couch. "Gwen and 10K sitting in a tree~." Minthe started to sing. "Minthe get away from me," Gwen demanded, not taking her eyes off the screen. Then Alice joined in, "first comes love, then comes marriage~." "The the sin Sloth with spinal damage." Gwen finished. "See!? You made me miss him!" Gwen exclaimed, clearly upset.

I heard a yawn and light footsteps coming from the staircase. "What are we teasing Gwen about this time?" Talia asked. "Gwen's love of 10K," Tulia said. "What is it with you and liking guys from the zombie apocalypse?" Talia asked, "and hey, mom." Talia greeted, I turned to look at her. She had dark, heavy bags under her eyes. "I thought I told you, girls, to make sure Talia got good sleep!" I told them, Talia came into the room with pens and papers and then sat on the sofa beside Alice. "We tried!" Envidia exclaimed, "the girl wouldn't budge." Tulia defended.

"What was she doing the whole week?" I asked. "Organizing another charity ball," Talia answered. "Good for you, Hun, but you need to sleep before I shred all your work." I threatened. Talia went wide-eyed and handed me the papers and ran upstairs and I heard her running become fainter and then a door close. "Wow," Candie said, surprised. "It worked," Tulia stated. "That girl pretty much has coffee running through her veins, I'm surprised she can still function," Gwen said from her spot on the couch where her small legs were draped over Envidia's.

"I'm tired too." Minthe said and stood up with a stretch and yawn. "See you guys at dinner." She told us and walked over to me. "You should get some rest too." She said and kissed my forehead. "Napping is for the weak!" Gwen exclaimed and threw her fist in the air. "Says the one that took a four-hour nap after mom left," Envidia said and pinched her ankle. "Ow, and really?" Gwen asked with a raised eyebrow, "you wanna go there?" She asked Envidia. Alice then stood up. "This calls for a duel between the two sins, Wrath and Envy!" She said dramatically. "Training, yay!" I cheered and gave the girls two thumbs up.

Gwen groaned and Envidia threw Gwen's legs off her and stood up. "Get up, Strong girl! We're going to fight and I'm going to win!" Envidia taunted. "Bring it, Green Bean." Gwen challenged. They both smirked at each other. Gwen looking up at Envidia and Envidia looking down at Gwen. they both then ran around the sofa and pushed each other out of the way as they ran down the hallway.

Candie looked at Minthe, "still want to take that nap?" She asked, Minthe looked at Candie and put on a mischievous smile and shook her head. I stood up with Tulia, Alice, and Candie and we then all walked behind the girls yelling profanities at each other.

As the four girls and I walked down the hall the white hall, across the marble flooring, we stopped at a door open, waiting for us to walk in. We walked in and shut the door. The room we were in at the moment was full of panels that had keyboards, screens, and buttons for training simulations. There was glass lining the middle of the wall to the top that spread across the entire room. Nothing could break the glass. We made sure of that. It was there so we could see what was happening in the large room below. We based that room off of the training room from the X-Men. Meaning it was made of tungsten and titanium panels with simulation triggers behind it to put them in different environments and give them different opponents.

"Why do I feel like one of them is going to get severely injured?" Tulia asked as she watched the two girls make their way to the center of the room. "Probably because you're most likely right." Minthe answered as Gwen and Envidia got into fighting positions. "Well," I started, as I made my way to the intercom. "This should be fun," I said before I spoke into the intercom.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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