1. Favorite color:
Red2. Favorite animes:
1.Fairy tail
2.Tokyo ghoul
3.Seven deadly sins
4.Yona of the dawn
5. Inuyasha
6. Naruto
7. Many more...3. Favorite movies:
Black panther and The Avengers
(Or any marval movie 😄)4. Vegetable I hate the most:
( sorry to people who do like pickles I just can't stand it at all)5. Favorite fruit:
Strawberries 🍓🍓🍓6. Favorite show:
Steven Universe and Love in flight7. Favorite animal:
Dogs I love dogs they are just sooooo cuuuttee😍😍😍8. Favorite tree:
Cherry blossoms they are just so beautiful and magical.9. Favorite song:
I don't really have one but I do like "Say Amen Saturday Night," from Panic of the Disco10. A place I want to visit again:
I do want to go see the cherry blossom bloom again in Washinton Dc again
(I just love cherry blossom after seeing them for the first time 2 years ago)Tag: