carry on {3}

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You watched as his face turned form a sad expression to a completely angry one. He picked up the razor tightly and turned to you with it in his hands. His jaw clenched.


"are you doing what i think you're doing?" he asked between his clenched teeth and you just stared at him with wet eyes.

His grip on the blade got tighter and he took a sharp breath as he snapped his eyes closed.

You saw them open slowly and the rim of his eyes were now red.  His eyes were wet and you heard him sniffle as he looked down at you.

"cutting? Are you cutting?" he asked and looked away ashamed.

A small tear escaped from your eyes and you bit your lip hard. You continues to hold your wrist rightly as you look up at daniel through your lashes.

He looks down at you in heartbreak before looking back at the counter. His eyes widen at the bottle of pain killers scanning the label before grabbing them quickly.

He now had pain killers in one hand and a razor in the other as he looked down at you.

"Pills? You're taking pills!?" he shouted which made you flinch slightly.

You saw his arm move in a swift motion as he threw it against the wall beside him.

You saw him taking sharp breath and he looked down at you with a small tear sliding down his face.

"Did you take any?" he asked, and you could hear the heartbreak in his voice.

He brought his hand up, and tugged at the ends of his hair.  You didn't say anything and daniel looked down at you angrily.

"How many did you take?" he shouted and you flinch. He looked down at you with a hurt expression and another tear falls down your face.

"None" you whisper and daniel looks down at you softly.

"i didn't take any pills. it's a brand new bottle" you whisper softly as Daniel looks away.

You saw another tear fall from his eyes and looked over at you briefly. He looked at you with soft eyes before looking back at the sharp objects on the counter.

You watched him closely as he picked up the piece of glass carefully, and threw it in the toilet followed by the razor. Your eyes widen as you jump up to stop daniel from flushing them.

"Dani stop" you yell loudest and daniel pushes you gently out of the way trying to flush them. Tears fall from your eyes once again and you attempt to keep him from flushing the objects.

You continue to struggle until you hear them flush down the drain. You let out a loud scream and you break down sobbing in your hands.

"why?" you sob, looking you thought your wet lashes.

He looked at you with a painful expression and you clench your teeth tightly.

"why!?" you shout loudly, hitting his chest hard.

Daniel blinks slowly and grabs your hands softly as your punches got softer. Eventually, your hits died down completely and daniel was now holding you in his arms as you sobbed quietly.

You gripped his light grey shirt tightly and continued to let out your sorrows as daniel rubbed your back softly.

You felt wet tears fall onto the top of your head as daniel continued to sooth you. Your sobs eventually died down and you pulled away slightly as you wiped away your tears with your sleeve.

Daniel looked down at your wrist, opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. His soft fingers grabbed your hands softly and you grew uncomfortable under his stare. He looked at your cut intensively before looking up to you with wet eyes.

"why?" he whispered as his voice cracked.  You looked at him with a blank expression and daniel looked down at your wrist.

"why are you doing this to yourself?" he whispered and you heard the crack in his voice. You sniffles loudly as took a shaky breath before speaking.

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